Noi considerații privitoare la pierderea Chiliei și Cetății Albe în 1484
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94(478) (1665)
History of Moldova. Republic of Moldova. (69)
SM ISO690:2012
EŞANU, Andrei, EŞANU, Valentina. Noi considerații privitoare la pierderea Chiliei și Cetății Albe în 1484. In: Revista de Istorie a Moldovei, 2016, nr. 4(108), pp. 5-16. ISSN 1857-2022.
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Revista de Istorie a Moldovei
Numărul 4(108) / 2016 / ISSN 1857-2022

Noi considerații privitoare la pierderea Chiliei și Cetății Albe în 1484
CZU: 94(478)

Pag. 5-16

Eşanu Andrei, Eşanu Valentina
Institutul de Istorie al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 27 martie 2017


In the study New considerations regarding the loss of Kilia and Akkerman fortresses in 1484, authors show that in the majority of researchers on this issue, starting from Grigore Ureche, believe that in the summer of 1484 when Bayezid II started a new military campaign against the Country of Moldova, conquering Kilia and Akkerman, after fierce defense battles, Stephen the Great had passively and perhaps helplessly foolowed this events.They also affirm, that Moldovan voievode was expecting that sultan will continue marching in the deep of the country, where he will be able to apply military strategies tested in battles with the Ottoman army before. In the result of thorough analyzis of the information emerging from the quasi-totality of the historical sources of the epoch, and especially those of internal origin, we tend to believe that, although, Stephen the Great did not venture to face the enemy in the open space of Budjak steppes, though, insofar as it was possible and he maximally mobilized militar forces for new major confrontations with the army of Sultan. This time, as we foresee things, in the summer of 1484 the great voivode divided his army (perhaps only the small one) into two parts, one of which slipped in both citadels boundaries, passing them under the command of pircalab from the place, another one remaining in reserve under the personal command of Stephen the Great. It is known that after a stubborn resistance the two citadels have fallen to the enemy. The vast majority of defenders, including many grand landowners of high ranks, which died in the battle, or had fallen into captivity, and afterwards missing .We can affirm this, because from contemporary documents of the forthcoming period (1484-1486) had disappeared a number of dignitaries of Stephen the Great, including some persons from Voivodal Council (10 people). Only thus we can explain the substantial completion of the council with new people starting in autumn 1486.