Vulnerabilităţi şi ameninţări de natură religioasă în mediul de securitate publică: aspect criminologice
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343.341 (33)
Offences against the state (1081)
SM ISO690:2012
JEFLEA, Alexe. Vulnerabilităţi şi ameninţări de natură religioasă în mediul de securitate publică: aspect criminologice. In: Revista Naţională de Drept, 2017, nr. 2(196), pp. 46-52. ISSN 1811-0770.
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Dublin Core
Revista Naţională de Drept
Numărul 2(196) / 2017 / ISSN 1811-0770 /ISSNe 2587-411X

Vulnerabilităţi şi ameninţări de natură religioasă în mediul de securitate publică: aspect criminologice
CZU: 343.341

Pag. 46-52

Jeflea Alexe
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 28 februarie 2017


This article is dedicated to some criminological aspects which are linked to the identification of the religious vulnerabilities and threats in the sphere of public security. The purpose of this research is the establishing of the standpoint of the religious phenomenon in perpetrating of religious offences in the sphere of public security, and, as a consequence, in prevention of criminality by means of identification of religious dimensions of the conflicts (confessional, ethnical, attempts of religious fundamentalism, religious extremism; religious terrorism), including armed conflicts; proving of the fact that exercising of aggressive proselytism constitutes the fundamental condition in diffusion of the extremist ideology, which can induce in an intermediate way to the religious disagreements. In order to attain the most advance result there have been analyzed the concept of religion, its functions, the principal forms of its expression, there have been elucidated the specific features of the religious sects that in comparison to the traditional religious confessions have the biggest rate in generating the religious fanaticism and, as a result, the extremism; there have been demonstrated that the abusive proselytism constitute a fundamental condition in development of religious extremism and terrorism. As a consequence, in order to ensure the criminologists with some explanatory rules, there have been synthesized the principal forms of the abusive proselytism which can be situated at the basis of the criminal offences with religious character.

religion, proselytism, religious terrorism, public security, extremist ideology, religious conflict,

religious confessions, criminal offences with religious character, religious fundamentalism, religious extremism, religious fanaticism