Tiparul şi circulaţia cărţii în Basarabia în preocupările istoriografiei Româneşti
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94(478)+002.2(478)(091) (1)
History of Moldova. Republic of Moldova. (69)
General history (3916)
SM ISO690:2012
CERETEU, Igor. Tiparul şi circulaţia cărţii în Basarabia în preocupările istoriografiei Româneşti. In: Revista de Istorie a Moldovei, 2016, nr. 3(107), pp. 108-133. ISSN 1857-2022.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Revista de Istorie a Moldovei
Numărul 3(107) / 2016 / ISSN 1857-2022

Tiparul şi circulaţia cărţii în Basarabia în preocupările istoriografiei Româneşti
CZU: 94(478)+002.2(478)(091)

Pag. 108-133

Cereteu Igor
Institutul de Istorie al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 17 ianuarie 2017


In this study elucidate the problem of printing and circulation of the book in Bessarabia in Romanian historiography in the first decades of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the XXI century. They are highlighted four distinct periods in the evolution of this research topic. The first segment comprises chronologically 18381917, a period that overlaps the Czarist domination in Bessarabia. Second period is between 1918-1944, when the territory between the Prut and Nistru was part of Romania. The third is between the 50 and the end of the eighth decade of the twentieth century, Romanian time when the entire area was inoculated atheist ideology, and the subjects of a religious excluded from the research environment. Last, the fourth period, beginning in the late 80s of the twentieth century and continues until the first decades of the XXI century, characterized by the decline of atheist ideology, and result in a return to Christian values and scientific research related to the bibliophile values and Romanian printing activity.

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<cfTitle cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>Tiparul şi circulaţia cărţii în Basarabia în preocupările istoriografiei Româneşti</cfTitle>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'>In this study elucidate the problem of printing and circulation of the book in Bessarabia in Romanian historiography in the first decades of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the XXI century. They are highlighted four distinct periods in the evolution of this research topic. The first segment comprises chronologically 18381917, a period that overlaps the Czarist domination in Bessarabia. Second period is between 1918-1944, when the territory between the Prut and Nistru was part of Romania. The third is between the 50 and the end of the eighth decade of the twentieth century, Romanian time when the entire area was inoculated atheist ideology, and the subjects of a religious excluded from the research environment. Last, the fourth period, beginning in the late 80s of the twentieth century and continues until the first decades of the XXI century, characterized by the decline of atheist ideology, and result in a return to Christian values and scientific research related to the bibliophile values and Romanian printing activity. </cfAbstr>