Măgura – fenomen geomorfologic şi peisagistic
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SM ISO690:2012
URSU, Andrei, VLADIMIR, Pantelei, MARCOV, Iulian. Măgura – fenomen geomorfologic şi peisagistic. In: Mediul Ambiant , 2007, nr. 3(33), pp. 1-3. ISSN 1810-9551.
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Mediul Ambiant
Numărul 3(33) / 2007 / ISSN 1810-9551

Măgura – fenomen geomorfologic şi peisagistic

Pag. 1-3

Ursu Andrei, Vladimir Pantelei, Marcov Iulian
Institutul de Ecologie şi Geografie al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 21 noiembrie 2013


The height Мăgura represents of geomorphological object, which dominates in a relief on contact of Codru and steppe of Bălţi. On its top there is an artificial hill of height about 14 m. At erection of a hill the soil layer with environmental territories was used. For expired time of the ambassador creation of a hill, around of it was formed new soil – cernozem carbonatic, – did not characteristic for a high – altitude mark more than 380 metre.

height Мăgura, hill,

brown soils

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