„Vocile” lui Homo Artifex între ficţiune şi realitate
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821.135.1-31(478).09 (47)
Literature of Balkan Romance / Romanic languages (2138)
SM ISO690:2012
GHERMAN, Oxana. „Vocile” lui Homo Artifex între ficţiune şi realitate. In: Philologia, 2015, nr. 3-4(279-280), pp. 21-30. ISSN 1857-4300.
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Dublin Core
Numărul 3-4(279-280) / 2015 / ISSN 1857-4300 /ISSNe 2587-3717

„Vocile” lui Homo Artifex între ficţiune şi realitate
CZU: 821.135.1-31(478).09

Pag. 21-30

Gherman Oxana
Institutul de Filologie al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 11 septembrie 2015


This article presents an analysis of Vladimir Beşleagă’s novel Voci sau dublul suicid din zona lacurilor. The novel represents a dialogical structure that transfigures a dialogical and intertextual world, a synthesis of all the topics, ideas and artistic conceptions of the Author not only as empiric and extratextual being, but as a fictional hero as well. The main key to the Beşleagă’s artistic world is a correct understanding of the dialogic relation author-narrator-hero-reader, a right rapport between fiction and reality and the fact that no one from the novel’s ideas is finite and fixed, but should be discussed and contested in the interaction of all the textual and extratextual voices.

voice, dialogue,

point of view, intertextuality, carnivalesque.,
