Структурные и иммунологические особенности папилломы небной миндалины на фоне хронического тонзиллита
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616.315-006.5:616.321-002 (1)
Stomatology. Oral cavity. Mouth. Diseases of the mouth and teeth (532)
SM ISO690:2012
ГЕРАСИМЮК, И.. Структурные и иммунологические особенности папилломы небной миндалины на фоне хронического тонзиллита. In: Curierul Medical, 2015, nr. 2(58), pp. 6-9. ISSN 1875-0666.
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Curierul Medical
Numărul 2(58) / 2015 / ISSN 1875-0666

Структурные и иммунологические особенности папилломы небной миндалины на фоне хронического тонзиллита
CZU: 616.315-006.5:616.321-002

Pag. 6-9

Герасимюк И.
Тернопольский национальный медицинский университет имени И. Я. Горбачевского
Disponibil în IBN: 13 mai 2015


Background: The complex immunological, morphological and morphometric characteristics of the tonsil papilloma. Material and methods: Patient with the tonsil papilloma was determined by flow cytofluorymeter the state of apoptosis and necrosis, and their ratio in lymphocytes and neutrophils in tonsils homogenate and peripheral blood. Were determined the levels of lymphocyte subpopulations and their ratio. The morphometric analysis of histological sections was performed. Results: In the patient with the tonsil papilloma, the multiplicity ratio of apoptosis/necrosis was higher than 14 (decompensated form of chronic tonsillitis). At the same time, the increase of number of layers and the basal surface of cells was noticed. The cells of papillomatoze outgrowth and its neighboring areas were exposed to hyperplasia. However, the peripheral parts of the tonsil mucosa looked thinner, the number of cell layers were no more than 13-15, the thickness of the capsule was increased to 85 micrometers [(25.17 ± 1.01) mm under the compensated shape], the diameter of the follicles did not exceed more than 170-190 m (281.83 ± 14.91) mat the compensated form). The glycogen content in the epithelium of the papilloma was high. The quantitative reduction of lymphocyte subpopulations CD3, CD4, CD8 and CD16, while maintaining the level of CD19 was noted. Conclusions: Thus, at chronic tonsillitis the sharp decrease of cell immunity and to a certain extent the conservation of humoral immunity is present. One of the components of the pathogenesis of the disease may be autoimmune processes, which create favorable conditions for the development of papillomatosis of the tonsils.

chronic tonsillitis, morphology, immunity,
