Formarea încrederii în sine în contextul vieţii militare
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1224 48
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-05-03 14:22
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similare conform CZU
159.923.2:355.1 (1)
Psychology (3520)
Armed forces generally. Armed services. Military life (53)
SM ISO690:2012
STATI, Uliana. Formarea încrederii în sine în contextul vieţii militare. In: Revista Militară. Studii de securitate şi apărare, 2014, nr. 1(11), pp. 116-120. ISSN 1857-405X.
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Dublin Core
Revista Militară. Studii de securitate şi apărare
Numărul 1(11) / 2014 / ISSN 1857-405X

Formarea încrederii în sine în contextul vieţii militare
CZU: 159.923.2:355.1

Pag. 116-120

Stati Uliana
Academia Militară a Forţelor Armate “Alexandru cel Bun”
Disponibil în IBN: 23 octombrie 2014


Manifestations of self-awareness, self-esteem, self-congruence by adolescents during military service is a topical subject for psychologists, because this age is characterized as a specific, sensitive period for self-confidence building. Self-consciousness influences the human activity, actions, communication and general development. Structures of self-esteem can motivate certain activities, actions, whilst military service (in accordance with the Regulation, specific conditions, established requirements,norms of conduct) requires an appropriate behavior. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) score provides the practicing psychologists with a first indication of possible problems a person has, in terms of self-esteem.