Rolul şi locul profesiei de militar în mediul studios
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355.23 (41)
Recruitment of forces. Requisition of supplies, resources. War potential. Levies (70)
SM ISO690:2012
MICU, Sergiu. Rolul şi locul profesiei de militar în mediul studios. In: Revista Militară. Studii de securitate şi apărare, 2009, nr. 1-2, pp. 55-59. ISSN 1857-405X.
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Revista Militară. Studii de securitate şi apărare
Numărul 1-2 / 2009 / ISSN 1857-405X

Rolul şi locul profesiei de militar în mediul studios
CZU: 355.23

Pag. 55-59

Micu Sergiu
Necunoscută, Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 28 mai 2014


Military career offers a wide variety of advantages that are sure to encounter great success among young people. Army embodies not only discipline, respect and seriousness but also a stable workplace, the possibility of advancement in one’s career, and an occasion to go on with one’s study. It is also a means to achieve greater professional experience by taking part in different missions outside the country. Moreover, the advantages of good food and housing are in themselves a sufficient argument for young people to enroll. The Army is in need of people able to act in extreme situations. We are also in need of people able to come together to create a unite community, efficient and dynamic within the military system. Researches in the field of the main motives while choosing the military career have shown that students are driven by the economical and social criteria rather than the military profession itself. Although research tends to show that the Army is well considered within our society, because of the reform of the military system young people seem to loose interest in a military career (if we compare with a civil one). The new generation has become more pragmatic better informed about the world that they live in and are firmer in their choice about the future career. In conclusion, the issue of drawing the young generation toward military career must be tackled in the contexts of the new settlement concerning the shift to professional soldiers in the national army. Its important that people interested in joining the military to perceive correctly the meaning of „military career’’, which gives to young all that they wish for this job and allows them to do their best despite all the problem that they might encounter.