A flexible navigation mechanism for complex data models
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004.652 (5)
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SM ISO690:2012
BURLACA, Oleg. A flexible navigation mechanism for complex data models. In: Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 2010, nr. 1(52), pp. 3-14. ISSN 1561-4042.
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Computer Science Journal of Moldova
Numărul 1(52) / 2010 / ISSN 1561-4042 /ISSNe 2587-4330

A flexible navigation mechanism for complex data models
CZU: 004.652

Pag. 3-14

Burlaca Oleg
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science ASM
Disponibil în IBN: 2 decembrie 2013


The paper presents a way to build flexible navigation tools over a big dataset of well structured data models. The mechanism is underpinned by a search engine that is used to slice and dice the database. By applying a series of consecutive groupings, the result of a search query can be organized in a hierarchical structure and browsed using traditional user interface controls.