The influence of the foreign policy of Moldavian hospodars on migration and demographic processes on Moldavian–Ukrainian ethnic frontier (30s – 80s of the XVIth century)
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DAMIAN, Victor. The influence of the foreign policy of Moldavian hospodars on migration and demographic processes on Moldavian–Ukrainian ethnic frontier (30s – 80s of the XVIth century) . In: Revista de Etnologie şi Culturologie, 2011, nr. 9-10, pp. 116-120. ISSN 1857-2049.
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Revista de Etnologie şi Culturologie
Numărul 9-10 / 2011 / ISSN 1857-2049 /ISSNe 2537-6152

The influence of the foreign policy of Moldavian hospodars on migration and demographic processes on Moldavian–Ukrainian ethnic frontier (30s – 80s of the XVIth century)
CZU: 94(4)”XV”

Pag. 116-120

Damian Victor
Disponibil în IBN: 21 noiembrie 2013


În acest articol este examinată influenţa politicii externe a domnitorilor moldoveni asupra proceselor demografice din zona etno-transfrontalieră moldo-ucraineană (anii 30-80 ai sec. XVI). În mod special, este expusă influenţa politicii etnice realizate de domnitori în cadrul relaţiilor reciproce dintre Ţara Moldovei, Polonia şi Imperiului Otoman cât şi confruntările moldo-polone pentru teritoriul aflat în litigiu – Pocutia.

В статье рассматривается влияние внешней политики молдавских господарей на демографические процессы в молдо-украинском этническом пограничье (30–80-е гг. XVI в). Показано влияние на этнополитику господарей взаимоотношений между Молдавским княжеством, Польшей, Османской империей. Особое внимание уделено молдо-польскому противостоянию за спорную территорию Покутья.

The author considers the influence of the foreign policy of the Moldavian hospodars on demographic processes on Moldavian-Ukrainian ethnic frontier (the 30s – 80s of the XVIth century). The influence on the ethnic policy of the hospodars, the interrelations between the Moldavian principality, Poland, the Ottoman Empire are shown. Particular attention is paid to Moldavian-Polish confrontation concerning the disputed territory of Pokutie.

Молдавское княжество, Польша, Османская империя (Порта), Покутье, Подолье

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<cfTitle cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'>The influence of the foreign policy of Moldavian hospodars on migration and demographic processes on Moldavian–Ukrainian ethnic frontier (30s – 80s of the XVIth century)
<cfKeyw cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'>Молдавское княжество; Польша; Османская империя (Порта); Покутье; Подолье</cfKeyw>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>În acest articol este examinată influenţa politicii externe a domnitorilor moldoveni asupra proceselor demografice din zona etno-transfrontalieră moldo-ucraineană (anii 30-80 ai sec. XVI). În mod special, este expusă influenţa politicii etnice realizate de domnitori în cadrul relaţiilor reciproce dintre Ţara Moldovei, Polonia şi Imperiului Otoman cât şi confruntările moldo-polone pentru teritoriul aflat în litigiu – Pocutia.</cfAbstr>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='RU' cfTrans='o'>В статье рассматривается влияние внешней политики молдавских господарей на демографические процессы в молдо-украинском этническом пограничье (30–80-е гг. XVI в). Показано влияние на этнополитику господарей взаимоотношений между Молдавским
княжеством, Польшей, Османской империей. Особое внимание уделено молдо-польскому противостоянию за спорную территорию Покутья.</cfAbstr>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'>The author considers the influence of the foreign policy of the Moldavian hospodars on demographic processes on Moldavian-Ukrainian ethnic frontier (the 30s – 80s of the XVIth century). The influence on the ethnic policy of the hospodars, the interrelations between the Moldavian principality, Poland, the Ottoman Empire are shown. Particular attention is paid to Moldavian-Polish confrontation concerning the disputed territory of Pokutie.</cfAbstr>