The heuristic potential of post-traumatic growth concepts in psycho-correction work
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134(78) (1)
Philosophy of mind and spirit. Metaphysics of spiritual life (178)
SM ISO690:2012
HANABA, Svetlana. The heuristic potential of post-traumatic growth concepts in psycho-correction work. In: Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură , Ed. 1, 21 octombrie 2024, Chisinau. Comrat: "A&V Poligraf", 2024, Vol.2, pp. 254-258. ISBN 978-9975-83-296-0.
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Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură
Vol.2, 2024
Conferința "Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură"
1, Chisinau, Moldova, 21 octombrie 2024

The heuristic potential of post-traumatic growth concepts in psycho-correction work

CZU: 134(78)

Pag. 254-258

Hanaba Svetlana
Национальная академия Государственной пограничной службы Украины имени Богдана Хмельницкого
Disponibil în IBN: 30 mai 2024


Psychocorrective work is an important component in overcoming the consequences of a traumatic event. Its organization is based on an understanding of the nature and possibilities of the manifestation of psychological trauma. An extreme situation for a person can become traumatic for his psyche. Violations in the mental sphere lead to physiological imbalance and the development of a number of diseases in the somatic sphere. Psychological trauma occurs due to a lack of individual resources to overcome it. The results of psychotrauma can be both destructive and serve as crises in a person's personal development. In a critical existential situation, a person often finds support in sources of personal meaning. The desire and search for meaning is the driving force of a person, which determines his behavior and the uniqueness of his inner world. Growth occurs as a result of an extreme stressful event (traumatic) and not as a result of any other minor stress or natural developmental process. Using the possibilities of post-traumatic growth not only allows you to overcome destructive manifestations of the psyche, but also contributes to the expansion of the "horizons of world understanding", outlines development prospects and creates situations of life success.

psyche, trauma, person, post-traumatic growth, internal resources

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