Materialele sculpturale – caracteristici și particularități
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SM ISO690:2012
DOBROVOLSCHI, Oleg. Materialele sculpturale – caracteristici și particularități. In: Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicaţii în dezvoltarea societăţii durabile de mâine, Ed. 8, 8-9 februarie 2024, Chişinău. Iași – Chișinău-Lviv: 2024, Ediția 9, pp. 154-155. ISSN 2558 – 894X.
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Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicaţii în dezvoltarea societăţii durabile de mâine
Ediția 9, 2024
Conferința "Yesterday’s cultural heritage – contribution to the development of tomorrow’s sustainable society"
8, Chişinău, Moldova, 8-9 februarie 2024

Materialele sculpturale – caracteristici și particularități

Sculptural materials – features and peculiarities

Pag. 154-155

Dobrovolschi Oleg
Academia de Muzică, Teatru şi Arte Plastice
Teze de doctorat:
Disponibil în IBN: 10 mai 2024


The art of giving shape to an object, having as starting point a material or the combination of several materials, defines sculpture as an artistic manifestation. Since ancient times we observe the contribution of sculptural materials and processing tools to the development of sculpture as an art. The materials for sculpture have evolved over time with their development and use in various craft fields. Wood and ceramics, then stone and bone were the first materials masterfully carved for utilitarian purposes, for religious themes but also for purely artistic purposes, starting since the primitive commune. These were followed by materials such as bronze, precious stones, ivory, etc. Sculptors have created works of art that can with-stand the wear and tear of time, using materials with a more durable consistency, such as bronze, stone, granite, marble, etc. But accessible materials are also used, even if they are of a softer, more perishable consistency, but which are beautiful and expressive in their natural state, materials such as clay, wood, wax, etc. At the same time, all these materials have unique particularities and processing possibilities, expressing the beauty hidden in their own nature and essence, which plays a decisive role in the success of sculpture, while giving them artistic values. The transformations related to style, artistic expression, vision and artistic sense of sculptors, but also of the public, have found reflection in contemporary art with the help of new materials, tools, methods, techniques and procedures. These changes have amplified discoveries, technological innovations, as well as the variety of techniques for pro-cessing traditional materials and new materials emerging in the contemporary stage, which have enriched sculptural language and its ways of expression. Each material in the field of sculpture has its qualities and possibilities characteristic only of it. That is why artistic expression in sculpture is often linked to the chosen material, the discovery of particular qualities and its natural beauty. One of the artist's problems is to feel, in a plastic and decorative sense, the peculiarities of the material from which the sculpture is made. Considering the new trends in the field of visual arts at the end of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century, we can say that modern sculpture is not limited only to traditional materials, but presents an opening for the use of any material that separately or in combination offers a wide spectrum of possibilities for artistic manifestations in the three-dimensional plane. Thus, it is possible to use any material, natural or synthetic, including air-filled polyethylene, suppressed rubber, expanded polystyrene, textile and neon tubes in the realization of an original artistic conception.