Bancul politic ca forma literara alternativa la literatura oficiala în RSS Moldoveneasca
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2024-07-01 11:50
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821.135.1-7.09(478)ʺ1940/1990ʺ (1)
Literature of Balkan Romance / Romanic languages (2138)
SM ISO690:2012
RUSNAC, Ana Maria. Bancul politic ca forma literara alternativa la literatura oficiala în RSS Moldoveneasca. In: Dialogica, revista de studii culturale si literatura, 2024, nr. 1, pp. 31-37. ISSN 2587-3695. DOI:
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Dublin Core
Dialogica, revista de studii culturale si literatura
Numărul 1 / 2024 / ISSN 2587-3695 /ISSNe 1857-2537

Bancul politic ca forma literara alternativa la literatura oficiala în RSS Moldoveneasca

Political joke as an alternative literary form to official literature in the Moldavian SSR

CZU: 821.135.1-7.09(478)ʺ1940/1990ʺ

Pag. 31-37

Rusnac Ana Maria
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 1 mai 2024


Articolul analizeaza relaia dintre bancul politic ca forma literara alternativa la literatura ociala în RSS Moldoveneasca i contextul social-politic. În prima parte a articolului sunt denii termenii de banc i banc politic, iar în continuare se urmaresc aspecte ale contextului social-politic din RSSM, care sunt puncte de plecare în analiza bancului politic din Basarabia sovietica. Se puncteaza câteva teme ale bancurilor politice din Basarabia anilor 1940-1990, cu câteva exemple de bancuri „din popor”, colectate în timpul discuiilor pe teren cu unii cetaeni ai Republicii Moldova, din mediu online i dintr-o revista literara periodica din anul 1988. În articol se demonstreaza cuvintele i expresiile vieii cotidiene ale basarabenilor care i-au facut loc în bancurile politice din RSS Moldoveneasca. Bancurile care au fost prezentate în articol, ca ind drept exemple de bancuri politice din RSS Moldoveneasca, reecta realitaile sociale i politice a acelui segment de timp. În aceste bancuri se povestesc istorioare care ne veselesc i ne amuza prin ironie, sarcasme, sugestii, în special pentru limbajul bizar pe care l-au folosit personajele. Bancul politic este privit ca o forma de satira sau umor, ind încadrat într-o specie literara i anume specia de proza populara comica. Aceasta forma literara cum este bancul politic, era alternativa la literatura ociala din RSSM. În acest articol analizam doua teme asupra carora a intit satira bancurilor politice din RSSM: deformarea limbii române i efectele propagandei.

The article analyzes the relationship between the political joke as an alternative literary form to official literature in the Moldavian SSR and the socio-political context. In the first part of the article are designed the terms joke and political joke, and further aspects of the socio-political context of MSSR are pursued, which are starting points in the analysis of the political joke in Soviet Bessarabia. Some themes of political jokes in Bessarabia of the 1940s and 1990s are highlighted, with some examples of jokes “from the people”, collected during field discussions with some citizens of the Republic of Moldova, from the online environment and from a literary periodical magazine from 1988. The article demonstrates the words and expressions of daily life of Bessarabians, who made their way into the political jokes of the Moldavian SSR. The jokes that were presented in the article, as examples of political jokes in the Moldavian SSR, reflect the social and political realities of that time period. In these jokes are told stories that cheer and amuse us through irony, sarcasms, suggestions, especially for the bizarre language that the characters used. The political joke is regarded as a form of satire or humor, being framed in a literary species, namely the species of comic folk prose. This literary form, such as the political joke, was an alternative to the official literature of the MSSR. In this article we analyze two themes on which the satire of political jokes in MSSR focused: the distortion of the Romanian language and the effects of propaganda.

banc politic, RSS Moldovenească, forma literara, context social-politic,

political joke, Moldovan SSR, literary form, socio-political context

Cerif XML Export

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<cfTitle cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>Bancul politic ca forma literara alternativa la literatura oficiala în RSS Moldoveneasca</cfTitle>
<cfKeyw cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>banc politic; RSS Moldovenească; forma literara; context social-politic; political joke; Moldovan SSR; literary form; socio-political context</cfKeyw>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'><p>Articolul analizeaza relaia dintre bancul politic ca forma literara alternativa la literatura ociala &icirc;n RSS Moldoveneasca i contextul social-politic. &Icirc;n prima parte a articolului sunt denii termenii de banc i banc politic, iar &icirc;n continuare se urmaresc aspecte ale contextului social-politic din RSSM, care sunt puncte de plecare &icirc;n analiza bancului politic din Basarabia sovietica. Se puncteaza c&acirc;teva teme ale bancurilor politice din Basarabia anilor 1940-1990, cu c&acirc;teva exemple de bancuri &bdquo;din popor&rdquo;, colectate &icirc;n timpul discuiilor pe teren cu unii cetaeni ai Republicii Moldova, din mediu online i dintr-o revista literara periodica din anul 1988. &Icirc;n articol se demonstreaza cuvintele i expresiile vieii cotidiene ale basarabenilor care i-au facut loc &icirc;n bancurile politice din RSS Moldoveneasca. Bancurile care au fost prezentate &icirc;n articol, ca ind drept exemple de bancuri politice din RSS Moldoveneasca, reecta realitaile sociale i politice a acelui segment de timp. &Icirc;n aceste bancuri se povestesc istorioare care ne veselesc i ne amuza prin ironie, sarcasme, sugestii, &icirc;n special pentru limbajul bizar pe care l-au folosit personajele. Bancul politic este privit ca o forma de satira sau umor, ind &icirc;ncadrat &icirc;ntr-o specie literara i anume specia de proza populara comica. Aceasta forma literara cum este bancul politic, era alternativa la literatura ociala din RSSM. &Icirc;n acest articol analizam doua teme asupra carora a intit satira bancurilor politice din RSSM: deformarea limbii rom&acirc;ne i efectele propagandei.</p></cfAbstr>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>The article analyzes the relationship between the political joke as an alternative literary form to official literature in the Moldavian SSR and the socio-political context. In the first part of the article are designed the terms joke and political joke, and further aspects of the socio-political context of MSSR are pursued, which are starting points in the analysis of the political joke in Soviet Bessarabia. Some themes of political jokes in Bessarabia of the 1940s and 1990s are highlighted, with some examples of jokes &ldquo;from the people&rdquo;, collected during field discussions with some citizens of the Republic of Moldova, from the online environment and from a literary periodical magazine from 1988. The article demonstrates the words and expressions of daily life of Bessarabians, who made their way into the political jokes of the Moldavian SSR. The jokes that were presented in the article, as examples of political jokes in the Moldavian SSR, reflect the social and political realities of that time period. In these jokes are told stories that cheer and amuse us through irony, sarcasms, suggestions, especially for the bizarre language that the characters used. The political joke is regarded as a form of satire or humor, being framed in a literary species, namely the species of comic folk prose. This literary form, such as the political joke, was an alternative to the official literature of the MSSR. In this article we analyze two themes on which the satire of political jokes in MSSR focused: the distortion of the Romanian language and the effects of propaganda.</p></cfAbstr>
<cfFirstNames>Ana Maria</cfFirstNames>
<cfName cfLangCode='en' cfTrans='o'>CrossRef DOI prefix service</cfName>
<cfDescr cfLangCode='en' cfTrans='o'>The service of issuing DOI prefixes to publishers</cfDescr>
<cfKeyw cfLangCode='en' cfTrans='o'>persistent identifier; Digital Object Identifier</cfKeyw>