Spiritul și mentalitatea antreprenorială a grecilor antici - repere teoretico - practice
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168 1
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2024-06-05 23:09
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similare conform CZU
37.02:94 (24)
General questions of didactics and method (1255)
General history (531)
SM ISO690:2012
PANAGUȚA, Rodica, CEBOTARI, Margareta, SCOBIOALA, Nadejda. Spiritul și mentalitatea antreprenorială a grecilor antici - repere teoretico - practice . In: Cercetarea pedagogică: exigențe contemporane și perspective de dezvoltare, 3-4 noiembrie 2023, Chişinău. Chişinău: CEP UPS „I.Creangă”, 2023, Ediția 1-a, pp. 312-316. ISBN 978-9975-46-867-1 (PDF). DOI: https://doi.org/10.46727/c.03-04-11-2023.p311-315
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Dublin Core
Cercetarea pedagogică: exigențe contemporane și perspective de dezvoltare
Ediția 1-a, 2023
Conferința "Cercetarea pedagogică: exigențe contemporane și perspective de dezvoltare"
Chişinău, Moldova, 3-4 noiembrie 2023

Spiritul și mentalitatea antreprenorială a grecilor antici - repere teoretico - practice

The entrepreneurial spirit and mentality of the ancient greeks - theoretical - practical remarks

CZU: 37.02:94

Pag. 312-316

Panaguța Rodica, Cebotari Margareta, Scobioala Nadejda
Colegiul Naţional de Comerţ al ASEM
Disponibil în IBN: 17 aprilie 2024


In recent years, interdisciplinarity has become a key element of modern education, a new way of approaching content. The actuality of interdisciplinarity is due to the interpenetration of various disciplines between them, naturally under a logical relationship due to the system character of science. The interdisciplinary connections are aimed at students' understanding of socio-economic and cultural structures, political relations and dominant mentalities that generated events. Interdisciplinarity helps to achieve some objectives, one of them would be the promotion of the entrepreneurial spirit as a key factor of competitiveness that underlines the importance of developing an entrepreneurial culture on a European scale.

entrepreneurial spirit, Greek civilization, Trade, colonization, interdisciplinarity, history