Characteristics of multi-drug resistant tb in children
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SM ISO690:2012
OLARU-STĂVILĂ, Cătălina, ANDRUŞCA, Diana. Characteristics of multi-drug resistant tb in children. In: Міжнародний медико-фармацевтичний конгрес студентів і молодих учених: BIMCO, Ed. 6, 17 mai 2019, Chernivtsi. Chernivtsi: Bukovinian State Medical University, 2019, p. 340. ISSN 2616-5392.
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Міжнародний медико-фармацевтичний конгрес студентів і молодих учених 2019
Conferința " Міжнародний медико-фармацевтичний конгрес студентів і молодих учених"
6, Chernivtsi, Ucraina, 17 mai 2019

Characteristics of multi-drug resistant tb in children

Pag. 340-340

Olaru-Stăvilă Cătălina, Andruşca Diana
”Nicolae Testemițanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Disponibil în IBN: 12 aprilie 2024


Since extensive spreading of multi-drug tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and primary drug resistance, diagnosis and treatment of children tuberculosis (TB) has become a true challenge. The research aim is causes assessment and evolution peculiarities of the disease. It was performed a retrospective, descriptive, cohort type research on 206 patients, aged <18, which hadMDR-TB treatment, for 2009-2018 years. The male/female ratio is 1/1.1; aged ≤5 years 53 (26%), 6-15 years 61 (29%), ≥15 years 92 (45%). Detected by active screening 157 (76%) patients, passive case finding 49 (24%). The majority 184 (89%) are from contact clusters, mainly family 137 (74%)>1 year contact, among them 125 (68%) with MDR-TB. Risk factors distribution : undernourishment 96 (46%), poor living conditions 63 (31%), immigrants 25 (12 %), BCG unimmunized 15 (7%), unemployed parents 103 (50%). An intoxication syndrome 206 (100%) and bronchopulmonary syndrome 185 (90%) represented the clinical manifestations. It was diagnosed intrathoracic lymph nodes TB 77 (38%), primary TB complex 32 (16%), infiltrative pulmonary TB 84 (41%), pleurisy 6 (3%). IDR 2 UT resulted in normoergic reaction 118 (57%), hyperergic 66 (32%), negativ 22 (11%). Drug resistance, confirmed by culture positive test in 138 (67%) cases, amog them wih MDR-TB 116 (84%), poli-resistant 15 (12%), mono-resistant 5 (4%), XDR-TB 1 (1%) and 68 (33%) by clinic and imaging findings, taken as criteria: both clinics and CT changes, TB contact, hyperergic IDR. Positive treatment outcome resulted in 100% cases, recurrence registered only after reaching adulthood. Children are a good source for surveillance of drug-resistant TB and may accurately reflect the transmission of this organisms in the community, but in the same time represents the failure of the state TB control program. Pulmonary CT in child TB diagnosis has a major value. Drug resistant TB in children reflects transmission of a resistant strain from an adult source with whom the child had a contact. Child DR-TB can be treated.