Estimarea cantitativă a pierderilor medii anuale de sol pe diferite categorii de utilizare a terenurilor. studiu de caz: bazinul hidrografic tigheci
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similare conform CZU
631.459(478) (9)
Soil science. Pedology. Soil research (732)
SM ISO690:2012
BUNDUC (POPUȘOI), Tatiana, BEJAN, Iurie, SOCHIRCĂ, Vitalie, BUNDUC, Petru. Estimarea cantitativă a pierderilor medii anuale de sol pe diferite categorii de utilizare a terenurilor. studiu de caz: bazinul hidrografic tigheci. In: Integrare prin cercetare și inovare.: Ştiinţe ale naturii și exacte, 9-10 noiembrie 2023, Chișinău. Chisinau, Republica Moldova: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2023, SNE, pp. 350-358. ISBN 978-9975-62-690-3.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Integrare prin cercetare și inovare.
SNE, 2023
Conferința "Integrare prin cercetare și inovare."
Chișinău, Moldova, 9-10 noiembrie 2023

Estimarea cantitativă a pierderilor medii anuale de sol pe diferite categorii de utilizare a terenurilor. studiu de caz: bazinul hidrografic tigheci

Quantitative estimation of average annual soil losses on diferent categories of land use case study: tigheci catchment

CZU: 631.459(478)

Pag. 350-358

Bunduc (Popușoi) Tatiana12, Bejan Iurie12, Sochircă Vitalie2, Bunduc Petru1
1 Institutul de Ecologie şi Geografie, USM,
2 Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 1 aprilie 2024


The scientific results obtained from the research in the Tigheci hydrographic basin (located in the northwest of the Tigheci Hills) argue the immense agricultural potential of the region, but the erosion processes lead to a reduction in the amount of humus and nutrients in the soil, thus limiting the ability to productivity. Erosion is the most widespread geomorphological process, has an appreciable intensity especially on the agriculture lands, where the average rate of soil loss, estimated according to the ROMSEM model, is 2.16 t/ha/ year. Although erosion is seen as a bio-physical process, the way of land use contributes significantly to the appearance of this form of degradation, having numerous economic consequences. Thus, it was found that the soil loss values are higher on arable land (about 11 thousand ha affected), followed by pastures (over 2 thousand ha) and perennial plantations (about 1000 ha). The need for such a study in order to estimate soil losses is of great importance, because only by quantifying the risk can differently measures, ways to prevent and combat erosion processes be developed.

erosion, land use, ROMSEM model, Tigheci