Electron configuration and charge state of electrically active Cu, Ag and Au ions in ZnSe
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SM ISO690:2012
NEDEOGLO, Natalia, SIRKELI, Vadim, NEDEOGLO, Dumitru, LAIHO, Reino, LÄHDERANTA, Erkki. Electron configuration and charge state of electrically active Cu, Ag and Au ions in ZnSe. In: Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 2006, vol. 18, pp. 8113-8137. ISSN 0953-8984. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/0953-8984/18/34/020
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Journal of Physics Condensed Matter
Volumul 18 / 2006 / ISSN 0953-8984 /ISSNe 1361-648X

Electron configuration and charge state of electrically active Cu, Ag and Au ions in ZnSe


Pag. 8113-8137

Nedeoglo Natalia123, Sirkeli Vadim1, Nedeoglo Dumitru1, Laiho Reino2, Lähderanta Erkki3
1 Moldova State University,
2 Wihuri Physical Laboratory, University of Turku,
3 Lappeenranta University of Technology
Disponibil în IBN: 5 martie 2024


The Hall effect, electrical conductivity and electron mobility are investigated at temperatures between 55 and 500K in n-ZnSe crystals doped with Cu, Ag or Au. The presence of a small amount of Cu atoms leads to an inversion of the sign of the Hall coefficient at temperatures above 300K. Anomalous temperature dependence of the electron mobility is observed in the samples with low Cu concentration (<0.3at.% in the melt). Different characters of the temperature dependences of kinetic coefficients are found for n-ZnSe doped with Ag and Au. These curves are typical for crystals having several donor levels at different energetic depths. Immediately after doping, silver behaves like a usual compensating acceptor impurity while gold shows amphoteric properties. We propose a model that explains the anomalies of the temperature dependences of the kinetic coefficients in Cu-doped crystals and the lack of the anomalies in Ag-doped and Au-doped crystals. In accordance with this model and our experimental data, copper in n-ZnSe has two charge states, CuZn + (d10) and CuZn2+ (d9), and two acceptor levels near the valence band. Silver and gold exist in single-charged states AgZn+ and AuZn + with d10 electron configuration forming single energy levels near the valence band. Au atoms form mainly interstitial Aui donors at low doping concentrations and substitutional AuZn and AuZn-based acceptors at high doping concentrations. Time stimulation of the amphoteric properties of Ag is discussed.

Engineering controlled terms Concentration (process), Copper compounds, Electron mobility, Hall effect, Reaction kinetics, Single crystals Engineering uncontrolled terms Charge state, Hall coefficient, Kinetic coefficients, N-ZnSe crystals Engineering main heading Electron energy levels

DataCite XML Export

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<identifier identifierType='DOI'>10.1088/0953-8984/18/34/020</identifier>
<creatorName>Nedeoglo, N.D.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Sirkeli, V.P.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Nedeoglo, D.D.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Laiho, R.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea din or. Turku, Laboratorul Fizic Internaţional Wihuri, Finlanda</affiliation>
<creatorName>Lahderanta, E.M.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finlanda</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='en'>Electron configuration and charge state of electrically active Cu, Ag and Au ions in ZnSe</title>
<publisher>Instrumentul Bibliometric National</publisher>
<relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType='ISSN' relationType='IsPartOf'>0953-8984</relatedIdentifier>
<subject>Engineering controlled terms
Concentration (process)</subject>
<subject>Copper compounds</subject>
<subject>Electron mobility</subject>
<subject>Hall effect</subject>
<subject>Reaction kinetics</subject>
<subject>Single crystals
Engineering uncontrolled terms
Charge state</subject>
<subject>Hall coefficient</subject>
<subject>Kinetic coefficients</subject>
<subject>N-ZnSe crystals
Engineering main heading
Electron energy levels</subject>
<date dateType='Issued'>2006-08-30</date>
<resourceType resourceTypeGeneral='Text'>Journal article</resourceType>
<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The Hall effect, electrical conductivity and electron mobility are investigated at temperatures between 55 and 500K in n-ZnSe crystals doped with Cu, Ag or Au. The presence of a small amount of Cu atoms leads to an inversion of the sign of the Hall coefficient at temperatures above 300K. Anomalous temperature dependence of the electron mobility is observed in the samples with low Cu concentration (&lt;0.3at.% in the melt). Different characters of the temperature dependences of kinetic coefficients are found for n-ZnSe doped with Ag and Au. These curves are typical for crystals having several donor levels at different energetic depths. Immediately after doping, silver behaves like a usual compensating acceptor impurity while gold shows amphoteric properties. We propose a model that explains the anomalies of the temperature dependences of the kinetic coefficients in Cu-doped crystals and the lack of the anomalies in Ag-doped and Au-doped crystals. In accordance with this model and our experimental data, copper in n-ZnSe has two charge states, Cu<sub>Zn</sub>&nbsp;<sup>+</sup>&nbsp;(d<sup>10</sup>) and Cu<sub>Zn</sub><sup>2+</sup>&nbsp;(d<sup>9</sup>), and two acceptor levels near the valence band. Silver and gold exist in single-charged states Ag<sub>Zn</sub><sup>+</sup>&nbsp;and Au<sub>Zn</sub>&nbsp;<sup>+</sup>&nbsp;with d<sup>10</sup>&nbsp;electron configuration forming single energy levels near the valence band. Au atoms form mainly interstitial Au<sub>i</sub>&nbsp;donors at low doping concentrations and substitutional Au<sub>Zn</sub>&nbsp;and Au<sub>Zn</sub>-based acceptors at high doping concentrations. Time stimulation of the amphoteric properties of Ag is discussed.</p></description>