Stability of Axially Moving Plates
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SM ISO690:2012
BANICHUK, Nikolay, BARSUK, Alexander A., JERONEN, J., TUOVINEN, Tero, NEITTAANMAKI, Pekka. Stability of Axially Moving Plates. Dusseldorf: 2020, pp. 345-395. ISSN 09250042DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-23803-2_6
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Solid Mechanics and its Applications

Stability of Axially Moving Plates


Pag. 345-395

Banichuk Nikolay1, Barsuk Alexander A.2, Jeronen J.3, Tuovinen Tero3, Neittaanmaki Pekka3
1 Institut pe Probleme Mecanice, Academia de Stiinte a Rusiei,
2 Moldova State University,
3 University of Jyvaskyla
Disponibil în IBN: 15 februarie 2024


This chapter focuses on the stability analysis of axially moving materials, in the context of two-dimensional models. There are many similarities with the classical stability analysis of structures, such as the buckling analysis of plates. However, the presence of axial motion introduces inertial effects to the model. We consider the stability of an axially moving elastic isotropic plate travelling at a constant velocity between two supports and experiencing small transverse vibrations. We investigate the stability of the plate using an analytical approach. We also look at elastic orthotropic plates, and an elastic isotropic plate subjected to an axial tension distribution that varies in the width direction. 

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DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-23803-2_6
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