К вопросу влияния биологически активных веществ (БАВ) на сперматогенез и некоторые биохимические показатели крови
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2024-05-29 09:46
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similare conform CZU
577.15/.17:591.463.1:591.111 (1)
Material bases of life. Biochemistry. Molecular biology. Biophysics (671)
General zoology (269)
Animal physiology (62)
SM ISO690:2012
ОСИПЧУК, Г., БРАДУ, Нина, ДЖЕНЖЕРА, Ирина, BALAN, Ion, ПОВЕТКИН, С.. К вопросу влияния биологически активных веществ (БАВ) на сперматогенез и некоторые биохимические показатели крови. In: Gestionarea fondului genetic animalier – probleme, soluţii, perspective, 20-23 septembrie 2023, Maximovca. Maximovca: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2023, pp. 287-296. DOI: https://doi.org/10.61562/mgfa2023.40
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Gestionarea fondului genetic animalier – probleme, soluţii, perspective 2023
Conferința "Gestionarea fondului genetic animalier – probleme, soluţii, perspective"
Maximovca, Moldova, 20-23 septembrie 2023

К вопросу влияния биологически активных веществ (БАВ) на сперматогенез и некоторые биохимические показатели крови

CZU: 577.15/.17:591.463.1:591.111

Pag. 287-296

Осипчук Г.1, Браду Нина1, Дженжера Ирина1, Balan Ion2, Поветкин С.3
1 Научно-практический институт биотехнологий в зоотехнии и ветеринарной медицине,
2 Институт физиологии и санокреатологии, ГУМ ,
3 Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет, Ставрополь,
Disponibil în IBN: 23 noiembrie 2023


The use of biologically active substances allows you to activate the func-tions of all organs and systems of the body. The aim of the research was to study the effect of BAS agents on the qualitative and quantitative parameters of sperm and some biochemi-cal parameters of the blood of boars and rams. During the research, it was found out that the non-hormonal BAS agents used by us can improve spermatogenesis, do not have a negative effect on the body, stimulate me-tabolic processes. It was found that the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the seed (the number of live sperms and the number of rectilinearly translational sperms) increase more intensively in animals of the experimental groups.

Boars, sheep, Biochemistry, blood, sperms