Basarabeanca Elisabeth Ivanovsky – o mare doamnă a ilustraţiei de carte Belgiană
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STĂVILĂ, Tudor. Basarabeanca Elisabeth Ivanovsky – o mare doamnă a ilustraţiei de carte Belgiană . In: Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă „Akademos”, 2010, nr. 3(18), pp. 132-137. ISSN 1857-0461.
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Dublin Core
Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă „Akademos”
Numărul 3(18) / 2010 / ISSN 1857-0461 /ISSNe 2587-3687

Basarabeanca Elisabeth Ivanovsky – o mare doamnă a ilustraţiei de carte Belgiană
CZU: 73(478)(092)

Pag. 132-137

Stăvilă Tudor
Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei
Disponibil în IBN: 13 decembrie 2013


Elisabeth Ivanovsky (06.08.1910, Chşinău – 25.07.2006, Watermaal-Basvoorde, Bruxelles), graphics artist. In 1932 she left her coutry and then to Beljium where they are in the Institute of decorative arts (La Cambre) register. For three yaers she learned the lessons of George Minne and Herman Teirlink.The french novelist and poet Franz Hellens, a member of the jury in 1934, notes its extraordinary talent, set his house for its open, involve it in his work as a writer and asks her to create images of some of his books in order Bass Bassina Boulou. Thanks Hellens Franz is E. Ivanovsky in contact with the then Belgian literary world. She meets the valoon poet Rene Meurant, whom she married, and some membres of the Front litteraire the Gauche. Several French-speaking writers call on her, among them: Marcel Lecomte, Marcelle Verite, Jeanne Cappe, Daniels Gilles. Some Flemish writers such as Ernest Claes Stijn Streuvels and ask her to illustrate their books.For the Belgian Editions des Artistes „they achieved between 1940-1950, a series of miniature books an extre mely successful under the name” Pomme d” Api. After the war, and today they are mainly illustrated books for the youth and in particular books for small childeren whom she tenderly everyday world, lirica land with a sense of umor describes.