Evoluţia instituţiilor educaţionale evreieşti în Imperiul Rus. Cazul Basarabiei
Articolul precedent
Articolul urmator
210 8
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-05-24 18:53
Căutarea după subiecte
similare conform CZU
37(=411.16)(478)(091) (1)
Education (14907)
SM ISO690:2012
ROITMAN, Alexandru. Evoluţia instituţiilor educaţionale evreieşti în Imperiul Rus. Cazul Basarabiei. In: Intelectualitatea română între ideologie, libertate academică şi naţionalism, Ed. 2, 14-16 octombrie 2021, Chişinău. Chişinău Republica Moldova: Editura „Lexon-Prim”, 2023, Ediţia a 2-a, pp. 27-36. ISBN 978-9975-163-90-3.
EXPORT metadate:
Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Intelectualitatea română între ideologie, libertate academică şi naţionalism
Ediţia a 2-a, 2023
Conferința "Intelectualitatea română între ideologie, libertate academică şi naţionalism"
2, Chişinău, Moldova, 14-16 octombrie 2021

Evoluţia instituţiilor educaţionale evreieşti în Imperiul Rus. Cazul Basarabiei

The evolution of Jewish educational institutions in the Russian Empire: the case of Bessarabia

CZU: 37(=411.16)(478)(091)

Pag. 27-36

Roitman Alexandru
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 15 iunie 2023


Education in the Jewish community has always held an important place. The Jewish education system has a long history. Its religious nature has contributed significantly to the preservation of the Jewish people and the perpetuation of their customs and traditions. Education for the Jewish population has always been not only a form of self-organization but also a way of transmitting the collective religious mentality. In this article, we aim to analyze several aspects of the evolution of Jewish education in the Russian Empire, as well as its particularities for the Jewish community in Bessarabia. We will describe the legislation and reforms that influenced the functioning of these educational institutions during the 19th century in the Russian Empire.

education, Jewish community, Jewish education system, Bessarabia, Russian Empire