Гагаузская народная песня «Оглан» в контексте региональных особенностей и этнокультурных символов
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258 6
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-01-09 11:01
Căutarea după subiecte
similare conform CZU
398.86 (1)
Folklore in the strict sense (752)
SM ISO690:2012
КВИЛИНКОВА, Елизавета. Гагаузская народная песня «Оглан» в контексте региональных особенностей и этнокультурных символов. In: Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură , Ed. 2023, 13 februarie 2023, Comrat. Comrat: Universitatea de Stat din Comrat, 2023, Vol. 3, pp. 435-441. ISBN 978-9975-83-257-1.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură
Vol. 3, 2023
Conferința "Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură"
2023, Comrat, Moldova, 13 februarie 2023

Гагаузская народная песня «Оглан» в контексте региональных особенностей и этнокультурных символов

CZU: 398.86

Pag. 435-441

Квилинкова Елизавета
Национальная академия наук Беларуси
Disponibil în IBN: 4 mai 2023


The article identifies and analyzes the existing ethno-regional features of the Gagauz folk song «Oglan». The study is based on the analysis of 18 test variants of this song, which were recorded among the Gagauz people of Moldova, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Greece, as well as among the Turkic-speaking peoples of the Balkan Peninsula. The distribution of the common plot, melody and image of Oglan the shepherd among the Balkan peoples gives grounds to speak of its Balkan origin. The mention of this song, included in the anthem of Gagauzia, is intended to strengthen the Gagauz ethnic identity.

Gagauz, folklore, song «Oglan», regional features, ethnic identity

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