The automated system of the rhythm analysis of the educational process in a higher educational institution on the basis of aprioristic data
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378.14:330.4 (1)
Higher education. Universities. Academic study (2669)
Dynamics of the economy. Economic movement (130)
SM ISO690:2012
PELIN, Nicolae, MIRONOV, Vladimir. The automated system of the rhythm analysis of the educational process in a higher educational institution on the basis of aprioristic data. In: Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods (JAQM), 2008, vol. 3, nr. 3, pp. 279-283. ISSN 1842-4562.
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Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods (JAQM)
Volumul 3, Numărul 3 / 2008 / ISSN 1842-4562

The automated system of the rhythm analysis of the educational process in a higher educational institution on the basis of aprioristic data

CZU: 378.14:330.4

Pag. 279-283

Pelin Nicolae1, Mironov Vladimir2
1 University of Applied Science of Moldova,
2 Tver State Technical University, Tver
Disponibil în IBN: 2 mai 2023


In this article the problems of functioning algorithms development for system of the automated analysis of educational process rhythm in a higher educational institution are considered. Using the device of experiment planning for conducting the scientific researches, adapted methodologies, received by authors in the dissertational works at the decision of similar problems for continuous and discrete mass productions, there are offered variants of construction of corresponding algorithms for the automated analysis of rhythm of a higher educational institution at conducting educational process.

automated system, rhythm, educational process, Quality