Complexul de clădiri al fostei uzine de apă din Chișinău și galeriile ei subterane
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2024-02-07 01:44
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94(478-25):725.4:628.1 (1)
History of Moldova. Republic of Moldova. (69)
History of North and Central America (6021)
History of Africa (25423)
SM ISO690:2012
CIOCANU, Sergius. Complexul de clădiri al fostei uzine de apă din Chișinău și galeriile ei subterane. In: Identităţile Chişinăului: Oraşul subteran, Ed. 6, 24-25 octombrie 2019, Chişinău. Chişinău: Casa Editorial-Poligrafică „Bons Offices”, 2020, Ediția 6, pp. 42-54.
EXPORT metadate:
Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Identităţile Chişinăului
Ediția 6, 2020
Conferința "Identităţile Chişinăului: oraşul subteran"
6, Chişinău, Moldova, 24-25 octombrie 2019

Complexul de clădiri al fostei uzine de apă din Chișinău și galeriile ei subterane

The building complex of the former Chisinau Water Plant and its underground galleries

CZU: 94(478-25):725.4:628.1

Pag. 42-54

Ciocanu Sergius123
1 Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural,
2 Academia de Muzică, Teatru şi Arte Plastice,
3 Ministerul Culturii
Disponibil în IBN: 18 martie 2023


The article offers a brief description of the history of the drinking water supply of the village and, later, of the city of Chișinău, from the 15th century, when the first document attesting the toponym of Chisinau, especially from the 18th century, was emitted, and then the first documents directly dedicated to the mentioned topic appeared till the middle of the 20th century. It proposes a detailed description of the overground and underground structures of the former Chisinau’s Water Plant. Water Plant was erected in 1892 near the Fountains Square, on the right bank of the Bac river. After the construction of the Chisinau’s new water supply system from the Dniester River (in the 50-70s of the 20th century), the old water plant was gradually removed from operation. Nowadays, the territory and the buildings of the former water plant are administrated by the Chisinau Municipal Enterprise „The Association of Green Spaces Management”. The underground structures of the former plant have been abandoned. To preserve this wonderful complex of buildings, which is indisputably important for the history and identity of the city, it must be taken under state protection and inscribed in the National Registry of Monuments.

Fountain, Fountains Square, Water Plant, Chisinau, Underground Galleries, cisterns, water pipes, water supply, historic monument