Rolul marketingului în dezvoltarea și promovarea ecoturismului în Republica Moldova
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-06-04 10:02
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similare conform CZU
339.138:338.48-6:502/504(478) (1)
General questions of trade and commerce. Market (827)
Tourism (548)
The environment and its protection (701)
Threats to the environment (2307)
SM ISO690:2012
DOMBROVSCHI, Ina, NAZAR, Nadejda. Rolul marketingului în dezvoltarea și promovarea ecoturismului în Republica Moldova. In: Development of sustainable tourism: actualities and opportunities, Ed. 1, 27 septembrie 2022, Chisinau. Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2022, pp. 107-113. DOI:
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Dublin Core
Development of sustainable tourism: actualities and opportunities 2022
Simpozionul "Dezvoltarea turismului sustenabil: actualităţi şi oportunităţi"
1, Chisinau, Moldova, 27 septembrie 2022

Rolul marketingului în dezvoltarea și promovarea ecoturismului în Republica Moldova

The role of marketing in developing and promoting ecotourism in the Republic of Moldova

CZU: 339.138:338.48-6:502/504(478)
JEL: F62, F63, M31

Pag. 107-113

Dombrovschi Ina, Nazar Nadejda
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 21 februarie 2023


Ecotourism takes place in natural and cultural areas and represents an opportunity for the development within areas that have these resources and the necessary conditions for their exploitation. The primary aim of this type of tourism is to conserve the environment and educate tourists about the protection and conservation of the natural and cultural environment. In this article, the need for implementing marketing tools in promoting ecotourism in the Republic of Moldova has been analyzed and argued. Against this background, the content of the notion of ecotourism as well as the particularities of this form of tourism have been studied through the lens of marketing principles, with emphasis on the specific features of the ecotourism product as an object of marketing activity. Pricing strategies that can be implemented in the development and promotion of ecotourism as well as ways of informing and communicating with the public about the characteristics of the products and services offered have been analyzed. Various research methods were used to conduct this study, such as: the observation method, logical analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy and comparison. The concepts of national and international economists were used as methodological support.

tourism, ecotourism, natural areas, tourist product, tourism, tourist destination, ecotourism destination, marketing, ecomarketing.