The organization of guided tours and the application of guiding techniques in the Rock Monastery of Tipova
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338.48-12:27(478-21) (1)
Tourism (548)
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SM ISO690:2012
EFTODI, Ludmila, BALAŢEL, Elena. The organization of guided tours and the application of guiding techniques in the Rock Monastery of Tipova. In: Development of sustainable tourism: actualities and opportunities, Ed. 1, 27 septembrie 2022, Chisinau. Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2022, pp. 43-49. DOI:
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Development of sustainable tourism: actualities and opportunities 2022
Simpozionul "Dezvoltarea turismului sustenabil: actualităţi şi oportunităţi"
1, Chisinau, Moldova, 27 septembrie 2022

The organization of guided tours and the application of guiding techniques in the Rock Monastery of Tipova

Organizarea excursiilor și aplicarea tehnicilor de ghidaj în cadrul Mănăstirii Rupestre Țîpova

CZU: 338.48-12:27(478-21)
JEL: Z32, Z38, D00.

Pag. 43-49

Eftodi Ludmila1, Balaţel Elena2
1 National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History ,
2 Moldova State University
Disponibil în IBN: 21 februarie 2023


The activity of providing tourist services is developing rapidly and nowadays it is difficult to imagine a tourist trip in an unknown country without a well-established excursion program, for which reasons, the trip has a significant place. Namely, excursion programs create an image corresponding to the country-destination, and motivate tourists to visit the new tourist objects. The correct use of methodical procedures is one of the basic levers of a guide's professionalism, procedures used directly in leading excursions (exposition and demonstration); procedures aimed at creating the conditions for the efficient running of excursions.

sustainable tourism, guiding techniques, outdoor excursions