Arta scenografică din Moldova – începuturi și evoluții
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2023-06-12 14:11
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792.02(478) (11)
Theatre. Stagecraft. Dramatic performances (529)
SM ISO690:2012
MALCOCI, Vitalie. Arta scenografică din Moldova – începuturi și evoluții. In: Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare, Ed. 14, 30-31 mai 2022, Chișinău. Chișinău: Notograf Prim, 2022, Ediția 14, pp. 39-48. ISBN 978-9975-84-171-9.. DOI:
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare
Ediția 14, 2022
Conferința "Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare"
14, Chișinău, Moldova, 30-31 mai 2022

Arta scenografică din Moldova – începuturi și evoluții

Scenographic art from Moldova - beginnings and evolutions

CZU: 792.02(478)

Pag. 39-48

Malcoci Vitalie
Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural
Disponibil în IBN: 28 noiembrie 2022


Th e end of the XIX century intensifi es the theatrical life in Bessarabia, a fact that leads to the improvement of staging methods and plastic and decorative solutions of the stage space. Th is gains even greater revival towards the middle of the XX century, being oft en mentioned by critics in the press of the time, who describe the decorations and the costumes in the staged performances. A new phase in the decorative-theatrical art of Bessarabia begins with the appearance of the great personalities who contributed to the creation and development of the Bessarabian Romanian scenography. Th is phase coincides with the activity of some outstanding personalities of the scene-painting in Bessarabia from the beginning of the XX century, such as Auguste Baillayre, Th eodor Chiriakoff , George Löwendal, Boris Nesvedov, Natalia Bragalia, Elisabeth Ivanovsky, Maria Starcevschi, Natalia Danilcenco, Elena Barlo and others. Th e decorations made by these plastic artists starts to be known to the local public. Th is familiarization takes place mainly through the tours in Bessarabian cities and towns, as well as in cultural centers.

scenography, theatrical art, show, theatrical troupe, theatrical representations