Sexual and reproductive correlation of the population of the Agrotis segetum (den. Et Schiff.)
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595.78:591.16 (1)
Articulata (367)
Animal physiology (62)
SM ISO690:2012
NASTAS, Tudor, GELETIUK, O., RUSU, Iuliana, GAVRILIUCK, Aliona. Sexual and reproductive correlation of the population of the Agrotis segetum (den. Et Schiff.). In: Biotehnologii avansate – realizări şi perspective, Ed. 6, 3-4 octombrie 2022, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2022, Editia a VI-a, pp. 208-210. ISBN 978-9975-159-81-4. DOI:
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Biotehnologii avansate – realizări şi perspective
Editia a VI-a, 2022
Simpozionul "Biotehnologii avansate – realizări şi perspective"
6, Chişinău, Moldova, 3-4 octombrie 2022

Sexual and reproductive correlation of the population of the Agrotis segetum (den. Et Schiff.)

CZU: 595.78:591.16

Pag. 208-210

Nastas Tudor1, Geletiuk O.1, Rusu Iuliana1, Gavriliuck Aliona2
1 Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection,
2 Ukrainian scientific-research plant quarantine station PPІ NAAS of Ukraine
Disponibil în IBN: 17 octombrie 2022


Ecosystem functionally is ensured by the relationships between the species that make them and their interactions with abiotic factors. The existence and activity of any pest population is determined by the consumption of the necessary nutrients. About 140 species of phytophagous attack cultivated plants. In the event of an invasion and development of the hazardous pests, crop losses can exceed 50-60% and crops can be completely compromised. Climate change is a key that requires urgent action to change attitudes towards the environment. In this regard, the role of science and research is huge to find alternative solutions and replace harmful methods for the global, regional and local climate. In the fauna of the Republic of Moldova, 409 species from the Noctuidae family were recorded, some of which periodically cause considerable damage to agricultural crops. One of the corresponding species is Agrotis segetum, which causes damage to about 140 plant species, but the most heavily attacked are wheat, soybeans, peas, corn, tomatoes, and others. Chemical control is undesirable in these crops, even more so, taking into account the hidden way of life of the larvae, the results are not the desired ones [1, 2]. The application of sex pheromones to monitor the development and control of the given pest is welcome, but a deeper study of the sexual and reproductive correlation is required. The purpose of the research is to evaluate the copulatory and reproductive potential in seasonal dynamics and depending on generations of the pest Agrotis segetum.

Agrotis segetum, light trap, Male, female, spermatophore, Eggs