Jean-Philipe Rameau Scientific thinker and well rotunded musician
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2023-05-21 19:01
SM ISO690:2012
MARISI, Rossella. Jean-Philipe Rameau Scientific thinker and well rotunded musician. In: Geniu, talent, creativitate : - o perspectivă socio-culturală, Ed. XIII, 1 mai 2022, Iași. Iași, România: 2022, Volumul I, pp. 62-68. ISBN 978-606-685-905-9.
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Dublin Core
Geniu, talent, creativitate
Volumul I, 2022
Conferința "Geniu, Talent, Creativitate - o perspectivă socio-culturală"
XIII, Iași, Romania, 1 mai 2022

Jean-Philipe Rameau Scientific thinker and well rotunded musician

Pag. 62-68

Marisi Rossella
Academy of Fine Arts - Bologna
Disponibil în IBN: 29 septembrie 2022


Jean-Philippe Rameau is today best known for his endeavours as a composer for the harpsichord, but in eighteenth-century France he was considered a real genius, due to the variety of his interests in acoustics, music theory, music pedagogy, and his success as a composer of diverse music genres. This study aims to highlight the connections between some works he authored over a fifteen-year period: on the one hand, Rameau’s treatises expressing his scientific thought, such as Traité, Nouveau système, and Génération harmonique, and, on the other, his musical works reflecting his music aesthetics, such as the Piéces de clavecin and the opera Castor et Pollux.

Descartes, encyclopedists, Enlightenment, Newton, popularization of science