Ay-boba Mihail Çakirin yardimcilari
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2023-12-02 02:14
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266.3+94(478) (1)
Judaism (59)
History of Moldova. Republic of Moldova. (69)
SM ISO690:2012
KOPUSÇU, Viktor. Ay-boba Mihail Çakirin yardimcilari. In: Știință, educație, cultura, 11 februarie 2015, Comrat. Комрат: Tipografia "A & V Poligraf", 2015, Vol.2, pp. 334-338. ISBN 978-9975-83-003-4..
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Știință, educație, cultura
Vol.2, 2015
Conferința "Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură"
Comrat, Moldova, 11 februarie 2015

Ay-boba Mihail Çakirin yardimcilari

CZU: 266.3+94(478)

Pag. 334-338

Kopusçu Viktor
Gagauziya M.V.Maruneviçin Adina Bilim-Aarastirma Merkezi
Disponibil în IBN: 29 septembrie 2022


Today we show great honor to the labors and work of Protopresbyter Mihail Çakir, enlightener of the Gagauz. But other individuals also took part in these glorious efforts, who were his helpers in all sorts of work. There were other priests beside Mihail Çakir on the commission established in 1907 to translate religious books into the Gagauz language. Along with the priests laypersons also worked toward the goal of enlightenment. Here we shall introduce some of them, so that the Gagauz people will honor and remember those who worked for the sake of Gagauz culture and tradition.

Holy Father, work of enlightening, helpers of Mihail Çakir