The humoral immunological profile of patients with chronic hepatitis B infection (HBsAg-negative / anti-HBcor–positive serologic status) in association with asthma
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SM ISO690:2012
CHIRVAS, Elena, LUPAŞCO, Iulianna, DUMBRAVA, Vlada-Tatiana, HAREA, Gheorghe, GHELIMICI, Tatiana. The humoral immunological profile of patients with chronic hepatitis B infection (HBsAg-negative / anti-HBcor–positive serologic status) in association with asthma. In: Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, 2016, nr. S2(25), pp. 199-200. ISSN 1841-8724.
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Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases
Numărul S2(25) / 2016 / ISSN 1841-8724 /ISSNe 1842-1121

The humoral immunological profile of patients with chronic hepatitis B infection (HBsAg-negative / anti-HBcor–positive serologic status) in association with asthma

Profilul imunologic umoral al bolnavilor cu infecție cronică hepatică virală B (varianta serologic HBSAG negativ / anti-HB cor pozitiv) în asociere cu astmul bronșic

Pag. 199-200

Chirvas Elena, Lupaşco Iulianna, Dumbrava Vlada-Tatiana, Harea Gheorghe, Ghelimici Tatiana
”Nicolae Testemițanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Disponibil în IBN: 23 august 2022


Introduction: Chronic hepatitis B infection (HBsAg-negative/anti-HBcor–positive serologic status) (CHBI) in association with asthma (A) is a result of the involvement of immunological mechanisms in the development of both diseases. Aim: Assessment of humoral immunological profile in patients with chronic hepatitis B infection (HBsAg-negative/anti-HBcor–positive serologic status) in association with asthma. Material, methods: The study included 66 patients. The control group (group I) comprised 10 healthy individuals. There were 39 patients with CHBI associated with A (group II), and the group with CHBI without A consisted of 27 patients (group III). Groups II and III were divided into subgroup A - with normal transaminase levels and subgroup B - with high transaminase levels. Clinical and laboratory examination was performed with assessment of biochemical data; serum markers of viral hepatitis, HBV DNA PCR; cellular and humoral immune profile; abdominal US, spirometry. Results: An increase of serum IgE was observed in group II-B 226.97±54.82 IU/ml vs. group I 78.25±38.73 IU/ml (p<0.05). The same tendency was found in group II-B vs. group III-B 74.28±27.03 IU/ml (p<0.05), as well as in group II-A 184.87±46.82 IU/ml vs. group III-A 40.49±10.16 IU/ml (p<0.01). Elevation of IgM was evidenced in group II-B 234.83±23.05mg/dL vs. group I 129.9±22.3 mg/dL(p<0.01). Statistical difference between groups was also assessed between II-B and III-B 115.25±14.4mg/dL (p<0.001). A decrease of IgA levels was detected in group III-B 179.4±18.32mg/dL and in group III-A 190.36±18.16mg/dL vs. group I 248.7±21.98 mg/dL (p<0.05). At the same time, an IgA increase was observed in group II-B 247.24±19.9mg/dL vs. group III-B 179.4±18.32mg/dL (p<0.05). Conclusions: The most significant humoral immune disorders were found in the group of patients with chronic hepatitis B infection (HBsAg-negative/anti-HBcor–positive serologic status) with high levels of transaminases in association with asthma.

Introducere: Asocierea infecţiei cronice hepatice virale B (varianta serologică HBsAg-negativă/AntiHBcor-pozitivă) (ICHB) cu Astmul Bronşic (AB) poate fi rezultatul implicării mecanismelor imunologice, prezente în ambele maladii. Scopul: Aprecierea profilului imunologic umoral la pacienţii cu Infecţie Cronică Hepatică Virală B (varianta serologică HBsAg-negativă/AntiHBcor-pozitivă) în asociere cu Astmul Bronşic. Material,metode: În studiu au fost incluşi 66 de pacienţi. Lotul de control (I) l-a constituit 10 persoane sănătoase. Pacienţii cu ICHB în asociere cu AB au constituit lotul II (39 persoane),iar pacienţii cu ICHB fără AB – lotul III (27 persoane). Loturile II şi III au fost divizate în sublotul A – cu nivel normal al transaminazelor şi sublotul B - cu nivel înalt al transaminazelor. S-a efectuat examinarea clinică şi paraclinică, cu evaluarea indicilor biochimici, markerilor serici hepatici virai, PCR ADN HVB; profilul imun umoral, USG abdominală, spirometria. Rezultate: Elevarea IgE serice a fost observată în sl. II-B 226,97±54,82 IU/ml vs. sl. I 78,25±38,73 IU/ml (p<0,05). Aceeaşi tendinţă s-a observat în sl. II-B vs. sl. III-B 74,28±27,03 IU/ml (p<0,05), precum şi în sl. II-A 184±87 IU/ml vs. sl. III-A 40,49±10,16 IU/ml (p<0,01). Majorarea IgM a fost mai exprimată în sl. II-B 234,83±23,05 mg/dL vs. sl. I 129,9±22,3 mg/dL (p<0,01). Diferenţă statistică s-a apreciat dintre sl.II-B şi III-B 115,25±14,4mg/dL (p<0,001). Micşorarea nivelului IgA s-a apreciat în sl. III-B 179,4±18,32 mg/dL şi în sl. III-A 190,36±18,16 mg/dL vs. sl. I 248,7±21,98 mg/dL (p<0,05). Totodată IgA s-a observat majorată în sl. II-B 247,24±19,9 mg/dL vs. sl. III-B 179,4±18,32 mg/dL (p<0,05). Concluzii: Cele mai semnificative modificări imune umorale s-au apreciat în lotul pacienţilor cu Infecţie Cronică Hepatică Virală B cu nivel înalt al transaminazelor în asociere cu Astmul Bronşic.