Identifying plot techniques: flashback, flash-forward and foreshadowing in a narrative
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82.09(07)=111 (1)
Literary criticism. Literary studies (221)
SM ISO690:2012
BLAJIN, Cristina, DUHLICHER, Olga. Identifying plot techniques: flashback, flash-forward and foreshadowing in a narrative. In: Știință, educație, cultura, 11 februarie 2015, Comrat. Комрат: Tipografia "A & V Poligraf", 2015, Vol.2, pp. 14-17. ISBN 978-9975-83-003-4..
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Știință, educație, cultura
Vol.2, 2015
Conferința "Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură"
Comrat, Moldova, 11 februarie 2015

Identifying plot techniques: flashback, flash-forward and foreshadowing in a narrative

CZU: 82.09(07)=111

Pag. 14-17

Blajin Cristina, Duhlicher Olga
Moldova State University
Disponibil în IBN: 13 iulie 2022


This study focuses on plot techniques – flashback, flash-forward and foreshadowing. Flashback provides a backstory to explain what caused the surprise outcome. On the other hand, a flashforward is the presentation of a future event before its proper time. Foreshadowing provides an implicit hint about the surprise. Then, examples and types of these plot techniques are presented. Lastly, tips for identifying these plot techniques are specified.

narrative, flashback, foreshadowing, flash-forward, plot, chronological order, suspense.