Совершенствование скоростно - силовых способностей на этапе спортивного совершенствования у волейболистов в возрасте 16-17 лет
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414 1
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-05-17 12:15
SM ISO690:2012
КОЛОТУХА, Ирина, МОКРОУСОВ, Елена. Совершенствование скоростно - силовых способностей на этапе спортивного совершенствования у волейболистов в возрасте 16-17 лет. In: Probleme actuale ale teoriei şi practicii culturii fizice, Ed. 25, 14 aprilie 2022, Chisinau. Chişinău: USEFS, 2022, Ediția 25, pp. 200-205.
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Dublin Core
Probleme actuale ale teoriei şi practicii culturii fizice
Ediția 25, 2022
Conferința "Probleme actuale ale teoriei şi practicii culturii fizice"
25, Chisinau, Moldova, 14 aprilie 2022

Совершенствование скоростно - силовых способностей на этапе спортивного совершенствования у волейболистов в возрасте 16-17 лет

Pag. 200-205

Колотуха Ирина, Мокроусов Елена
Государственный университет физического воспитания и спорта
Disponibil în IBN: 17 iunie 2022


Bringing volleyball players to the state of sports form can be solved only on the basis of a properly constructed training system that will contribute to the conjugated improvement of speed-strength abilities and rationalization of technical and tactical actions, as well as their high-quality implementation in competitive activities. In this regard, it is relevant to develop and introduce into the training process of 16-17 years old volleyball players a set of exercises that allows intensifying the process of their training, aimed at the effective improvement of speed-strength abilities and the use of methodological techniques that ensure their high-quality implementation in competitive activities.

volleyball, play activity, training process, speed – power qualities, jumping out, sports improvement.

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<creatorName>Mocrousov-Cuciuc, E.S.</creatorName>
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<title xml:lang='ru'>Совершенствование скоростно - силовых способностей на этапе спортивного совершенствования у волейболистов в возрасте 16-17 лет</title>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>Bringing volleyball players to the state of sports form can be solved only on the basis of a properly constructed training system that will contribute to the conjugated improvement of speed-strength abilities and rationalization of technical and tactical actions, as well as their high-quality implementation in competitive activities. In this regard, it is relevant to develop and introduce into the training process of 16-17 years old volleyball players a set of exercises that allows intensifying the process of their training, aimed at the effective improvement of speed-strength abilities and the use of methodological techniques that ensure their high-quality implementation in competitive activities.</p></description>