Aspecte cardiologice ale disfunţiei erectile
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2023-05-19 18:06
SM ISO690:2012
BALUŢEL, Boris, DUMBRĂVEANU, Ion, SCUTELNIC, Ghenadie, TĂNASE, Adrian. Aspecte cardiologice ale disfunţiei erectile. In: Arta Medica , 2011, nr. 2S(45), pp. 173-175. ISSN 1810-1852.
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Arta Medica
Numărul 2S(45) / 2011 / ISSN 1810-1852 /ISSNe 1810-1879

Aspecte cardiologice ale disfunţiei erectile

Cardiologic aspects of erectile dysfunction

Pag. 173-175

Baluţel Boris, Dumbrăveanu Ion, Scutelnic Ghenadie, Tănase Adrian
Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“
Disponibil în IBN: 28 martie 2022


We have presented in this article the issues of the erectile dysfunction (ED) in the patients with cardiovascular pathologies. The erectile dysfunction (ED) can hide severe coronary affections, present even in men who don’t belong to the risk groups of cardiovascular diseases – the smokers, the obese people and the diabetic people. The erectile dysfunction (ED) is the most frequent pathology that affects the sexual life of millions of men in the whole world regardless their age, race, religion and social status. The fact that the erectile dysfunction quite often serves as the first manifestation of the cardiovascular pathology is demonstrated, and it must be included in the list of risk factors for cardiac diseases ; the use of the cardiovascular preparations allow improving considerably the life quality of the patients suffering from the erectile dysfunction.

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