Vânzarea-cumpărarea terenurilor cu destinaţie agricolă persoanelor fizice şi juridice străine în viziunea experţilor
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-04-08 11:18
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similare conform CZU
316.334.2:332.7:63 (1)
Social structure. Society as a social system (1018)
Trade in land, in real estate (40)
Agriculture and related sciences and techniques. Forestry. Farming. Wildlife exploitation (7534)
SM ISO690:2012
GUŢU, Vladimir, GUŢU, Dumitru. Vânzarea-cumpărarea terenurilor cu destinaţie agricolă persoanelor fizice şi juridice străine în viziunea experţilor . In: Administrarea Publică, 2010, nr. 4(68), pp. 61-70. ISSN 1813-8489.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Administrarea Publică
Numărul 4(68) / 2010 / ISSN 1813-8489

Vânzarea-cumpărarea terenurilor cu destinaţie agricolă persoanelor fizice şi juridice străine în viziunea experţilor
CZU: 316.334.2:332.7:63

Pag. 61-70

Guţu Vladimir1, Guţu Dumitru2
1 Ministerul Agriculturii şi Industriei Alimentare ,
2 Agenția Relații Funciare și Cadastru a RM
Disponibil în IBN: 3 decembrie 2013


The article describes the results of sociological investigation, conducted dur- ing 1 June - July 12, 2010. The study explores altitudes and beliefs of experts \ and professionals from different fields concerning the sale and purchase of ag- ricultural land by foreign natural and legal persons in the Republic of Moldova. In total 120 respondents from different institutions have been interviewed. These are representatives of the Ministry• of Agriculture and Food Industry, Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre. Planning Institute for Land Management and Ter- ritory Organization, mayors from rural areas of the country, scientists, represen- tatives of non-governmental organizations dealing with agricultural issues, land market development, etc. All the respondents have high education, inclusive 7% of respondents have a scientific grade or teaching title and each II"' respondent possess a master degree.