Влияние уровня оценки линейных признаков вымени на продолжительность жизни коров украинских молочных пород
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2023-01-20 09:00
SM ISO690:2012
ХМЕЛЬНИЧИЙ, Леонтий, ВЕЧЁРКА, В.. Влияние уровня оценки линейных признаков вымени на продолжительность жизни коров украинских молочных пород. In: Inovații în zootehnie și siguranța produselor animaliere – realizări și perspective: dedicata celei de-a 65-a aniversări de la fondarea Institutului științifico-Practic de Biotehnologii în Zootehnie și Medicină Veterinară, 30 septembrie - 1 octombrie 2021, Maximovca. Maximovca: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2021, pp. 563-569. ISBN 978-9975-56-911-8.
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Dublin Core
Inovații în zootehnie și siguranța produselor animaliere – realizări și perspective 2021
Conferința "Inovații în zootehnie și siguranța produselor animaliere – realizări și perspective"
Maximovca, Moldova, 30 septembrie - 1 octombrie 2021

Влияние уровня оценки линейных признаков вымени на продолжительность жизни коров украинских молочных пород

Pag. 563-569

Хмельничий Леонтий1, Вечёрка В.2
1 Сумской национальный аграрный университет,
2 Сумский Аграрный Национальный Университет
Disponibil în IBN: 18 octombrie 2021


The studies were carried out in the aspect of studying the relationship between of the udder linear traits assessment and cow’s lifetime of Ukrainian Red- (URW) and Black-and-White (UBW) dairy breeds. Animals of the controlled breeds with the highest score for the trait "fore udder parts attachment" lived 2333 (URW) and 2367 (UBW) days, respectively. The difference in lifetime, depending on the assessment for a given trait, between cows, estimated at 9 and 1 scores, was quite significant and amounted to 939 (URW) and 710 (UBW) days. Similar indicators for cows of the URW and UBW breeds were determined by evaluating the trait "height of the rear udder parts attachment" 2375 and 2346 or 687 and 878 days, respectively, according to the udder central ligament development - 2377 and 2320 or 702 and 789 days, udder depth - 2325 and 2303 or 618 and 762 days. The longest time, cows have been used in the herd with estimates of the front teats position from 5 to 9 scores: 2285-2351 days (URW) and 2337-2161 days (UBW). Evaluation of Ukrainian Red- and Black-and-White dairy cows using the linear classification method confirmed that the desired development of morphological udder traits was the key to the long life of cows in modern technological conditions of milk production.

linear assessment, Ukrainian Red-and-White, Ukrainian Black-andWhite, udder, lifetime