Mi-a căzut cartea de istorie în cap încă de când eram de cinci ani
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SM ISO690:2012
BUTNARU, Leo. Mi-a căzut cartea de istorie în cap încă de când eram de cinci ani. In: Metaliteratură, 2010, nr. 5-6(25), pp. 126-147. ISSN 1857-1905.
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Numărul 5-6(25) / 2010 / ISSN 1857-1905

Mi-a căzut cartea de istorie în cap încă de când eram de cinci ani

Pag. 126-147

Butnaru Leo
Disponibil în IBN: 14 decembrie 2013


A dialogue with Paul Goma took place on the occasion of the 4th Book Salon of the Eastern and Central Europe at which the journalist Leo Butnaru had a chance to communicate with several notorious personalities. The remarkable writer and a man of courage, Paul Goma, answered a series of questions concerning culture, literature and at the same time, formulated the principles of his writing and explained the moral that he is lead by in the relationships with his peers.

truth, music, literature, exile,

acute polemic style

DataCite XML Export

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<date dateType='Issued'>2010-09-01</date>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'>A dialogue with Paul Goma took place on the occasion of the 4th Book Salon
of the Eastern and Central Europe at which the journalist Leo Butnaru had a chance to
communicate with several notorious personalities. The remarkable writer and a man of
courage, Paul Goma, answered a series of questions concerning culture, literature and at
the same time, formulated the principles of his writing and explained the moral that he is
lead by in the relationships with his peers.