Stratificarea socială ca factor catalizator al procesului de constituire a jurnalismului social
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332 11
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2024-04-25 20:56
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similare conform CZU
316.343+070:659.3 (1)
Social structure. Society as a social system (1018)
Newspapers. The Press. Journalism (573)
Publicity. Information work. Public relations (395)
SM ISO690:2012
STEPANOV, Georgeta. Stratificarea socială ca factor catalizator al procesului de constituire a jurnalismului social. In: Valori ale mass-mediei în epoca contemporană, Ed. 7, 20 septembrie 2016, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, 2016, Volumul VI, pp. 36-44.
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Dublin Core
Valori ale mass-mediei în epoca contemporană
Volumul VI, 2016
Colocviul "Valori ale mass-mediei în epoca contemporană"
7, Chişinău, Moldova, 20 septembrie 2016

Stratificarea socială ca factor catalizator al procesului de constituire a jurnalismului social

CZU: 316.343+070:659.3

Pag. 36-44

Stepanov Georgeta
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 29 septembrie 2021


The social stratification – phenomenon, which is assessed in Republic of Moldova in 90’s of past century, which affected, without any exception, all social individuals, modified substantial social structure of moldavian society. New realities generated new social layers and, respectively, new social realities between and inside them, which consequently has lead to multiplication and diversification of the social problems, which followed to be reflected media differentially, certainly of the positions and from the perspective of social interest of this categories. A social priority, expressed in certain actions of the government, has become constant component of mass-media’s agenda, likewise social problems, which represents significant part of audiovisual broadcast and periodic publications with generalist content, the social issue of press amplifying and becoming prior for mass-media. Social stratification has most contributed to concentration of press of social issues, but this social phenomenon, cumulated with other, has generated social journalism, claimed journalism for common people.