Адвокатура Украины в контексте европейской правовой реформы. проблемные вопросы, пути развития и усовершенствования
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МЕЛИХОВА, Юлия. Адвокатура Украины в контексте европейской правовой реформы. проблемные вопросы, пути развития и усовершенствования. In: Supremația Dreptului, 2017, nr. 3, pp. 34-43. ISSN 2345-1971.
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Dublin Core
Supremația Dreptului
Numărul 3 / 2017 / ISSN 2345-1971 /ISSNe 2587-4128

Адвокатура Украины в контексте европейской правовой реформы. проблемные вопросы, пути развития и усовершенствования

CZU: 34.037

Pag. 34-43

Мелихова Юлия
Академия адвокатуры Украины
Disponibil în IBN: 29 septembrie 2021


В статье рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с реформированием действующей системы адвокатуры в Украине. Проанализирован перечень типичных нарушений законодательно установленных гарантий профессиональной адвокатской деятельности, а также положения отечественного и международного законодательства, регламентирующие защиту прав адвокатов в процессе предоставления ними юридической помощи своим клиентам. Особое внимание уделено важности и необходимости внесения конкретных законодательных изменений в части сохранения независимости адвокатской профессии, неукоснительного соблюдения прав и гарантий адвоката, повышения качества и усиления профессиональных стандартов его работы. Ключевые слова: гарантии адвокатской деятельности, защита прав адвокатов, реформа адвокатуры, пути реформирования адвокатуры в Украине, типичные современные нарушения гарантий профессиональной адвокатской деятельности, изменения законодательства, касаемого гарантий адвокатуры, сохранение и усиление независимости адвокатской профессии

Th e article deals with issues related to the reform of the current system of advocacy in Ukraine. Th e main principles and priorities of reforming the institution of the Bar are determined. Th e current Ukrainian and international legislative acts ratifi ed by Ukraine are listed, which defi ne the concept of «professional rights of lawyers» and «guarantees of advocacy», as well as regulate their protection. Th e necessity of creating a viable and eff ective complex system of legal remedies for lawyers’ rights is grounded in this work. Such a system should, fi rstly, consider issues of violation of rights and guarantees of lawyers and punish responsible persons for committed off enses and, secondly, to discourage and demotivate the commission of potential off enses against lawyers in the future. It must also cover the whole country territorially and be accessible to every lawyer. Th e list of typical current violations of statutory guarantees for professional advocacy, as well as provisions of domestic and international legislation regulating the protection of lawyers’ rights in the process of providing them with legal assistance to their clients is analyzed. Also in this article the author gives reasons why the statement that every violation of professional rights and guarantees of a lawyer is at the same time a violation of the human rights of his client, — is true. Particular attention is paid to the importance and necessity of making specifi c changes to some existing laws of Ukraine regarding the preservation of the independence of the advocate’s profession, strict observance of the rights and guarantees of the lawyer, improving the quality and strengthening the professional standards of its work. Th e importance of developing the activities of the National Bar Association of Ukraine as an allUkrainian professional organization that unites all advocates with the aim of ensuring the implementation of the tasks of the advocacy self-government іs stressed by author.

In articol se discută problemele legate de reforma sistemului existent de profesii juridice în Ucraina. Au fost analizate o serie de încălcări tipice ale garanțiilor legale de activitate profesională de advocacy, precum și prevederile legislației naționale și internaționale care reglementează protecția drepturilor avocaților în proces de asistență juridică către clienții lor. O atenție deosebită este acordată importanței și necesității unor modificări legislative specifice în ceea ce privește păstrarea independenței profesiei juridice, respectarea strictă a drepturilor și garanțiilor unui avocat, îmbunătățirea calității și standardelor profesionale ale muncii sale.

усиления профессиональных стандартов его работы. Ключевые слова: гарантии адвокатской деятельности, защита прав адвокатов, реформа адвокатуры, пути реформирования адвокатуры в Украине, типичные современные нарушения гарантий профессиональной адвокатской деятельности, изменения законодательства, касаемого гарантий адвокатуры, сохранение и усиление независимости адвокатской профессии,

guarantees of advocate’s working, protection of the advocate’s rights, reform of advocacy, ways of reforming the legal profession in Ukraine, typical modern violations of the guarantees of professional advocate’s working, changes in legislation relating to guarantees of the legal profession, preservation and strengthening of the independence of the advocate’s profession,

garanții de advocacy, protecția drepturilor avocaților, reforma profesiei juridice, căi de reformă în avocatura din Ucraina, încălcarea tipică modernă a garanțiilor de promovare profesională, modificări legislative referitoare la garanții de profesie juridică, păstrarea și întărirea independenței profesiei de avocat