Greek painted pottery of archaic time from the chobruchi settlement on the left bank of the lower dniester
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SM ISO690:2012
FIDELSKY, Serghei, TELNOV, Nicolai. Greek painted pottery of archaic time from the chobruchi settlement on the left bank of the lower dniester. In: Stratum plus, 2021, nr. 3, pp. 261-280. ISSN 1608-9057.
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Stratum plus
Numărul 3 / 2021 / ISSN 1608-9057 /ISSNe 1857-3533

Greek painted pottery of archaic time from the chobruchi settlement on the left bank of the lower dniester

Античная расписная керамика архаического времени из поселения Чобручи на левобережье Нижнего Днестра

Pag. 261-280

Fidelsky Serghei, Telnov Nicolai
T.G. Shevchenko State University of Pridnestrovie, Tiraspol
Disponibil în IBN: 19 august 2021


The paper publishes finds of Greek painted pottery of the 6th century BC, discovered in the multilayered Chobruchi settlement in the Lower Dniester region. The materials are represented by ceramics of the Eastern Greek and Attic manufacture with a significant predominance of vessels from the North Ionian centers (Chios, Klazomenai and Samos). Eastern Greek ceramics includes open vessels (kraters and bowls) and closed vessels (amphorae, olpes, askoi, etc.). Attic pottery is represented mainly by vessels of open forms (kilikes and/or bowls). The collection of Greek painted pottery from the Chobruchi settlement dates to the 6th century BC. Its appearance in the barbaric environment clearly demonstrates the emergence of trade relations between the local population and the ancient world. Apparently, the main sources of archaic painted ceramics for the site were the Greek cities-colonies of the North-West Black Sea region, first of all Olbia, as well as the Berezan settlement, from where the closest analogies of East Greek ceramics came to Chobruchi. The connection between Berezan and Chobruchi, in addition, is confirmed by the presence on the Chobruchi settlement of vessels made in the workshops of the Borysthenes. 

6th century BC, Attic vessels, Borysthenes, Chobruchi settlement, Eastern Greek pottery, Lower Dniester Region, Olbia