Ответственность лиц, уполномоченных на выполнение функций государства или местного самоуправления, за нарушение «подарочных» запретов и ограничений по законодательству Украины
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788 2
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2021-11-15 09:30
Căutarea după subiecte
similare conform CZU
343.35 (417)
Offences against the state (1081)
SM ISO690:2012
КОЛОМОЕЦ, Татьяна. Ответственность лиц, уполномоченных на выполнение функций государства или местного самоуправления, за нарушение «подарочных» запретов и ограничений по законодательству Украины. In: Infracţiunea – Răspunderea penală – Pedeapsa. Drept şi Criminologie, Ed. Ediția I-a, 25-26 martie 2021, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2021, Ediția I-a, pp. 593-602. ISBN 978-9975-158-12-1.
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Dublin Core
Infracţiunea – Răspunderea penală – Pedeapsa. Drept şi Criminologie
Ediția I-a, 2021
Conferința "Infracţiunea – Răspunderea penală – Pedeapsa. Drept şi Criminologie", conferinţă ştiinţifică naţională"
Ediția I-a, Chişinău, Moldova, 25-26 martie 2021

Ответственность лиц, уполномоченных на выполнение функций государства или местного самоуправления, за нарушение «подарочных» запретов и ограничений по законодательству Украины

CZU: 343.35

Pag. 593-602

Коломоец Татьяна
Запорожский национальный университет
Disponibil în IBN: 24 iunie 2021


One of the effective tools for combating corruption in all its manifestations in Ukraine are “gift” prohibitions and restrictions for persons authorized to perform the functions of the state or local government. The use of such tools is aimed at eliminating the possibility of influencing public servants, eliminating the preconditions for “corrosion” of public authorities. Anti-corruption legislation fixes “prohibited” gifts, for violation of which criminal liability is provided. Violation of “conditional” gifts (not related to the service and within the quantitative and cost criteria) and the rules of conduct with them provides for administrative liability. The specifics of the normative enshrinement of “gift” prohibitions and restrictions, using evaluative, generalized provisions, reduces the “quality” of anti-corruption legislation. Different approaches to the interpretation of these provisions, the formation of the practice of their multi-vector application reduce the effectiveness of combating corruption in all its manifestations. “Defects” of anti-corruption legislation in terms of fixing “gift” prohibitions and restrictions complicate the qualification of illegal acts, the distinction between crimes and administrative offenses, criminal and administrative liability of perpetrators. Elimination of such “defects”, including taking into account the positive experience of foreign countries, will improve the “quality” of legislation in terms of “gift bans” and “gift restrictions”, the use of the latter as an effective and efficient means of combating illegal acts in the public service. “Gift” in the public service should not be considered as a means of enrichment of a public servant or a means of influencing his professional service, including and by handing (promises, offers) directly to this person, other persons (family members, on his instructions, etc.). The “connection” of the gift with the public service presupposes the criminal liability of the public servant, and the absence of such a connection must presuppose the observance of specific “conditions” for the gift and guarantees (declaration).

responsibility, “gift” prohibitions, restrictions, corruption, legislation