Rolul societă'ii de ocrotire a monumentelor de istorie şi cultură din RSS Moldovenească în promovarea politicilor comemorative sovietice
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94(478):719 (1)
History of Moldova. Republic of Moldova. (69)
History of North and Central America (6038)
SM ISO690:2012
NICOLAEV, Gheorghe. Rolul societă'ii de ocrotire a monumentelor de istorie şi cultură din RSS Moldovenească în promovarea politicilor comemorative sovietice. In: Anuarul Institutului de Istorie , 2017, nr. 6, pp. 316-341. ISSN 2345-1939.
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Anuarul Institutului de Istorie
Numărul 6 / 2017 / ISSN 2345-1939

Rolul societă'ii de ocrotire a monumentelor de istorie şi cultură din RSS Moldovenească în promovarea politicilor comemorative sovietice

The role of the Society for the Protection of the Historical and Cultural Monuments from the Moldavian SSR in the promoting of the Soviet commemorative politics

CZU: 94(478):719

Pag. 316-341

Nicolaev Gheorghe
Institutul de Istorie al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 22 iunie 2021


The Society for the Protection of the Historical and Cultural Monuments from the Moldavian SSR was created in 1965 by the Party’s and State’s institutions. During the first years of activity it had some material and logistic difficulties, but after that it empowered and enlarged, and finally in the 1970s-1980s it included hundreds of thousands of individual members and thousands of collective members. Through its activity it contributed to the evidence, protection and valorizing of several patrimonial values of the Soviet Moldova. It contributed to the adoption of two laws and several important decisions concerning the preservation of the historical and cultural monuments from Moldavian SSR. There were collected considerable funds with the purpose of restore, reparation and distribution of these. A part of the funds was used for the restore of the buildings of the closed churches, which served during the Soviet period as institutions of cultural utility. This way several churches which were monuments of architecture, from villages and reyonal centres of the republic, were saved from destruction/demolition. A large part of the collected funds was used for the arangement, preservation or construction of Soviet commemorative monuments, and a less part of them was used for the preservation of the monuments linked with the national history and culture of the Beassarabia’s Romanians. During the second part of the 1980s, when the process of Perestroyka deepened, the policy concerning the collected funds changed. The majority of the funds was directed for the restore and repair of important national architectural heritage on the left bank of the Prut river. Being created by the Party’s and State’s structures, during its two first decades of existence, the Society for the Protection of the Historical and Cultural Monuments from the Moldavian SSR promoted consequently the Soviet commemorative policies. The accent was made on the propaganda of the Soviet monuments and their utility in the Communist education of the population, especially of the young generation. Because of the fact that it was not really a democratic organization, during the years of the national movement, at the end of 1980s, it could not liberate itself of the Soviet commemorative policies, and fix its activity on the coordinates of the national values from this territory. This determined the decline of this organization and its disappearence after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the proclamation of the independence of the Republic of Moldova.

DataCite XML Export

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<creatorName>Nicolaev, G.I.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Institutul de Istorie al AŞM, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='ro'>Rolul societă&#39;ii de ocrotire a monumentelor de istorie şi cultură din RSS Moldovenească &icirc;n promovarea politicilor comemorative sovietice</title>
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<relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType='ISSN' relationType='IsPartOf'>2345-1939</relatedIdentifier>
<subject schemeURI='' subjectScheme='UDC'>94(478):719</subject>
<date dateType='Issued'>2017-06-01</date>
<resourceType resourceTypeGeneral='Text'>Journal article</resourceType>
<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The Society for the Protection of the Historical and Cultural Monuments from the Moldavian SSR was created in 1965 by the Party&rsquo;s and State&rsquo;s institutions. During the first years of activity it had some material and logistic difficulties, but after that it empowered and enlarged, and finally in the 1970s-1980s it included hundreds of thousands of individual members and thousands of collective members. Through its activity it contributed to the evidence, protection and valorizing of several patrimonial values of the Soviet Moldova. It contributed to the adoption of two laws and several important decisions concerning the preservation of the historical and cultural monuments from Moldavian SSR. There were collected considerable funds with the purpose of restore, reparation and distribution of these. A part of the funds was used for the restore of the buildings of the closed churches, which served during the Soviet period as institutions of cultural utility. This way several churches which were monuments of architecture, from villages and reyonal centres of the republic, were saved from destruction/demolition. A large part of the collected funds was used for the arangement, preservation or construction of Soviet commemorative monuments, and a less part of them was used for the preservation of the monuments linked with the national history and culture of the Beassarabia&rsquo;s Romanians. During the second part of the 1980s, when the process of Perestroyka deepened, the policy concerning the collected funds changed. The majority of the funds was directed for the restore and repair of important national architectural heritage on the left bank of the Prut river. Being created by the Party&rsquo;s and State&rsquo;s structures, during its two first decades of existence, the Society for the Protection of the Historical and Cultural Monuments from the Moldavian SSR promoted consequently the Soviet commemorative policies. The accent was made on the propaganda of the Soviet monuments and their utility in the Communist education of the population, especially of the young generation. Because of the fact that it was not really a democratic organization, during the years of the national movement, at the end of 1980s, it could not liberate itself of the Soviet commemorative policies, and fix its activity on the coordinates of the national values from this territory. This determined the decline of this organization and its disappearence after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the proclamation of the independence of the Republic of Moldova.</p></description>