Роль педагога в профессиональном самоопределении детей с психофизическими нарушениями в аспекте инклюзивного образования
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SM ISO690:2012
ЗАЙЦЕВ, Игорь. Роль педагога в профессиональном самоопределении детей с психофизическими нарушениями в аспекте инклюзивного образования. In: Educaţia incluzivă: dimensiuni, provocări, soluţii, 7 noiembrie 2016, Bălți. Bălți, Republica Moldova: Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo" din Bălţi, 2016, Ediția 2, pp. 161-165. ISBN 978-9975-132-71-8.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Educaţia incluzivă: dimensiuni, provocări, soluţii
Ediția 2, 2016
Conferința "Educaţia incluzivă: dimensiuni, provocări, soluţii"
Bălți, Moldova, 7 noiembrie 2016

Роль педагога в профессиональном самоопределении детей с психофизическими нарушениями в аспекте инклюзивного образования

Pag. 161-165

Зайцев Игорь
Академия последипломного образования
Disponibil în IBN: 21 iunie 2021


The modern educational system is actively developing in the direction of inclusive education, the task of nominating the teachers to rethink and bring new standards to the prior teaching experience. There is an urgent issue to identify new paradigms of education, while the corresponding social order of children with mental and physical disabilities and normally developing peers. The submission outlined the author's position in relation to the organization itself is not the educational process in terms of inclusion, namely on the readiness of teachers for the implementation of the substantive aspect of the pedagogical activities are equally satisfying requests and normally developing children and children in need of special assistance.

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