Formarea gustului estetic al elevilor din ciclul primar, un obiectiv al didacticii moderne
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-06-17 16:29
SM ISO690:2012
POSTOLACHI, Iulia. Formarea gustului estetic al elevilor din ciclul primar, un obiectiv al didacticii moderne. In: Comunicarea Interpersonală: Interpretări psihologice și filosofice, 14 mai 2021, Iași. România, Iaşi: Editura PERFORMANTICA, 2021, Ediția 12-a, Vol. 1, pp. 44-51. ISBN 978-606-685-793-2.
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Dublin Core
Comunicarea Interpersonală
Ediția 12-a, Vol. 1, 2021
Conferința "Comunicarea interpersonală"
Iași, Romania, 14 mai 2021

Formarea gustului estetic al elevilor din ciclul primar, un obiectiv al didacticii moderne

Formation of the aesthetic taste at primary school students - an objective of modern didactics

Pag. 44-51

Postolachi Iulia
Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi
Disponibil în IBN: 18 iunie 2021


The article addresses the need to form the aesthetic taste of primary school students, as the presence of arts in education is based on the need to create a cultural capital, with all the associated positiveeffects, but also to pursue the collateral benefits that arts insertion can have on learning, teaching and assessment of certain school subjects. The formation of cultural consumer behaviors and of a cultural capital market are objectives of modern didactics, as it is found in all normative regulationsbased on theconcept of aesthetic taste. Being an objective of aesthetic education, aesthetic taste is required to be achieved through all types of teaching and extracurricular activities in order to form intellectual feelings, moral beliefs and other aspects of the structure of human personality. The cultivation of sensitivity through aesthetic taste ensures favorable premises for the realization of the educational ideal.

aesthetic taste, aesthetic education, artistic education, teachers, primary education