Проблемні питання забезпечення прав підозрюваного, обвинуваченого у кримінальному провадженні
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2024-04-03 13:38
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similare conform CZU
343.122(477) (5)
Criminal justice. Criminal investigation. Criminal proceedings (1417)
SM ISO690:2012
МАРТОВИЦЬКА, Олена. Проблемні питання забезпечення прав підозрюваного, обвинуваченого у кримінальному провадженні. In: Supremația Dreptului, 2019, nr. 3, pp. 142-149. ISSN 2345-1971.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Supremația Dreptului
Numărul 3 / 2019 / ISSN 2345-1971 /ISSNe 2587-4128

Проблемні питання забезпечення прав підозрюваного, обвинуваченого у кримінальному провадженні

CZU: 343.122(477)

Pag. 142-149

Мартовицька Олена
Харківський національний університет внутрішніх справ
Disponibil în IBN: 22 aprilie 2021


Рассмотрены основные тенденции научного исследования по вопросам правовых и процессуальных гарантий прав подозреваемого, обвиняемого на стадии досудебного расследования. Установлено, что, не смотря на определенное количество новелл, которые введены в УПК Украины 2012 года по вопросам усовершенствования защиты прав отдельных участников уголовного производства, все же остались нерешенными проблемные вопросы, в частности относительно защиты прав подозреваемого, обвиняемого на стадии досудебного расследования в уголовном производстве. Указанное нашло свое отражение в проведенном исследовании.

Sunt luate în considerare principalele tendințe ale cercetării științifi ce privind garanțiile legale și procedurale ale drepturilor bănuitului, învinuitului în faza cercetării preventive. S-a stabilit că, în ciuda unui anumit număr de scurte novele introduse în Codul de procedură penală al Ucrainei în 2012 privind îmbunătățirea protecției drepturilor fiecărui participant la procedurile penale, multe din problemele idntifi cate au rămas nerezolvate, în special în ceea ce privește protecția drepturilor bănuitului și învinuitului la momentul investigării preventive în procesul penal. Cele menționate și-au regăsit refl ecție în acest studiu.

The article concerns the main tendencies of scientific research on the legal and procedural rights guarantees of the defendant, the suspect at the stage of the pre-trial proceedings. The current and previous law of criminal procedure of Ukraine on the issues considered in the article have been investigated, on the basis of which the comparative analysis has been carried out. The results of the analysis are used to provide improvement proposals for the current law. In addition, the inconsistence between the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine «On the Bar and Practice of Law» in terms of ensuring and enforcement of the right to the defense of the suspect and the defendant has been found out which causes diffi culty in law enforcement. Various scientifi c beliefs as well as practices in the context of the research are analyzed. The authors’ assessment as well as the authors’ contemplation of the considered issues are provided. As a result, it is concluded that despite a certain number of novelties introduced in the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine in 2012 on the rights protection improvement of individual participants in the criminal proceedings, some alerting problems remain unsolved, in particular, the ones regarding the protection of the rights of the defendant or the suspect at the stage pre-trial investigation in the criminal proceedings. Besides, an inaccuracy in the terminology and the content of certain provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine is identifi ed. Th e practice of the European Court of Human Rights has been studied resulting in the identifi cation of system violations committed by the law enforcement offi cials and courts during the investigation of the criminal proceedings. Specifi c measures to prevent such violations in the future have been proposed. Specifi c amendments are proposed to improve the current Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. All mentioned aspects are refl ected in the study.

следователь, прокурор, следственный судья, новеллы, досудебное расследование, уголовное производство, защита, права подозреваемого, права обвиняемого, международные акты, обеспечение защиты, реализация права, защитник, адвокат, усовершенствование, предложения, рекомендации,

anchetator, procuror, judecător de instrucție, romane, anchetă penală, procedură penală, Apărare, drepturile bănuitului, drepturile învinuitului, acte internaționale, asigurarea apărării, realizarea dreptului, apărător, avocat, îmbunătățire, sugestii, recomandări,

investigator, prosecutor, investigating judge, novelties, pre-trial investigation, criminal proceedings, protection, rights of the suspect, rights of the defendant, international acts, protection enforcement, implementation of the law, defense attorney, lawyer, improvement, proposals, recommendations