Міжнародні стандарти здійснення адміністративного судочинства України: сутність та класифікація
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342.9(477) (40)
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SM ISO690:2012
ОСЛАВСЬКИЙ, Михайло. Міжнародні стандарти здійснення адміністративного судочинства України: сутність та класифікація. In: Supremația Dreptului, 2019, nr. 1, pp. 78-83. ISSN 2345-1971.
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Dublin Core
Supremația Dreptului
Numărul 1 / 2019 / ISSN 2345-1971 /ISSNe 2587-4128

Міжнародні стандарти здійснення адміністративного судочинства України: сутність та класифікація

CZU: 342.9(477)

Pag. 78-83

Ославський Михайло
Івано-Франківський коледж Львівського національного аграрного університету
Disponibil în IBN: 20 aprilie 2021


Любые международные стандарты имеют относительно самостоятельную природу: они формируются в конкретно определенной правовой системе, обусловлены развитием этой системы и являются инструментом «отраслевого» назначения. Правовой стандарт рассматривается как некий образец (эталон, модель), принимаемый за исходный для сравнения с ним других подобных объектов или явлений. Это совокупность единых, типовых принципов и правил поведения субъектов права, отраженных в источниках права. Раскрыты варианты классификации системы таких стандартов и определена ее значимость для правильного их применения. Обосновано значимость международных стандартов в сфере интеграции в европейское и международное сообщества.

The article is devoted to the research of the concept and content of international standards of the administrative legal proceedings. The theoretical and methodological specifi city of the research of the concept and content of international legal standards is that the legal standards of any sphere can not be considered in isolation from the development of the entire legal system, all its sectoral and institutional elements. However, any international standards have a relatively independent nature: they are formed in a specifi c legal system, due by the development of this system and a special tool for «sectoral» purposes. The legal standard is considered as a particular sample (etalon, model), taken as output to compare with other similar objects or phenomena. Th is is a set of uniform, typical principles and rules of conduct of subjects of law, refl ected in sources of law. Under the standards of administrative legal proceedings it is necessary to understand the system of legal models, norms, principles and legal practices, that establish the obligatory (minimum) level of assurance of the rights of a person in the administrative proceedings and ways to exercise of such rights. Th e variants of classifi cation of the system of such standards are revealed and its signifi cance for its correct application is determined. On their basis, generally accepted international standards for administrative proceedings are proposed to be divided into two general groups: 1) international standards, which contained in normative acts of a universal nature; 2) generally accepted European standards – international standards, which enshrined in European international legal acts. The signifi cance of international standards of administrative legal proceedings for the process of harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with the European Union law is substantiated. Compliance with the requirements of international normative legal acts in the sphere of administrative legal proceedings is considered as an important aspect of the state policy of Ukraine in the sphere of integration into the European and international community.

Articolul este dedicat studiului conceptului și conținutului standardelor internaționale în aplicarea contenciosului administrativ. Oricare standard internațional are un caracter relativ independent: acestea se formează în sisteme juridice concrete, condiționate de dezvoltarea acestui sistem și devin un instrument de scop "sectorial". Standardul legal se examinează ca un anumit model (etalon, etc) aplicat ca un prim-exemplu pentru următoarele. Acesta este un set de principii și reguli comune de conduită pentru entitățile juridice, refl ectate în reglementări legale. Sunt descrise tipurile de clasifi care a sistemului acestor standarde pentru aplicarea lor corectă. Importanța standardelor internaționale pentru punerea în aplicare a contenciosului administrativ pentru procesul de armonizare a legislației Ucrainei cu legislația Uniunii Europene este fundamentală. Respectarea cerințelor actelor normative internaționale în domeniul contenciosului administrativ este considerată un aspect important al politicii de stat a Ucrainei în domeniul integrării în comunitatea europeană și internațională

международные стандарты, европейские стандарты, международно-правовой акт, административное судопроизводство, административный суд,

international standards, European standards, international legal act, administrative proceedings, administrative court,

standarde internaționale, standarde europene, act juridic internațional, proceduri administrative, instanță administrativă