Rolul administrației publice în asigurarea calității vieții
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351 5
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-10-23 14:17
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similare conform CZU
351.82:330.59 (1)
Particular activities of public administration (1097)
National property. National assets. Social product. Balance of the economy. Estimation of national product (219)
SM ISO690:2012
ZELENSCHI, Angela. Rolul administrației publice în asigurarea calității vieții. In: Sănătatea, medicina și bioetica în societatea contemporană: Studii inter și pluridisciplinare, Ed. Ediția a 3-a, 6-7 noiembrie 2020, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2020, Ediția a 3-a, pp. 194-195. ISBN 978-9975-56-805-0.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Sănătatea, medicina și bioetica în societatea contemporană
Ediția a 3-a, 2020
Conferința "Sănătatea, medicina şi bioetica în societatea contemporană: studii inter şi pluridisciplinare"
Ediția a 3-a, Chişinău, Moldova, 6-7 noiembrie 2020

Rolul administrației publice în asigurarea calității vieții

The role of public administration in ensuring the quality of life

CZU: 351.82:330.59

Pag. 194-195

Zelenschi Angela
Academia de Administrare Publică, Republica Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 29 martie 2021


In our opinion, the most important global social problems at the present stage is social and economic insecurity, growing indifference and intolerance to violence, social injustice, declining trust in government and the development of a crisis of traditional universal values. Man and the idea of forming a humanistic society occupy the central place in the concept of quality of life. In fact, the quality of life is a kind of an index of citizens’ satisfaction with the way the public authorities fulfill their obligations to citizens. In a functioning democracy, elected representatives are held accountable to the people for the choices they make, and whether they result in better outcomes, such as greater prosperity, security, and quality of life, for the individual and society. Therefore, in order to achieve good governance, the public administration must be based on a solid foundation – ethical, efficient, effective and responsible.The current debates on the quality of life raise a multitude of ethical, philosophical and methodological questions, which still need to be answered.