Din istoricul construcţiei Pensionului-orfelinat pentru copii de nobili din Chișinău (1900-1904). Documentar
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2024-01-18 20:51
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94(478-25):725.5"1900-1904" (1)
History of Moldova. Republic of Moldova. (69)
History of North and Central America (6038)
SM ISO690:2012
DANILOV, Maria. Din istoricul construcţiei Pensionului-orfelinat pentru copii de nobili din Chișinău (1900-1904). Documentar. In: Identităţile Chişinăului, Ed. 2, 1-2 octombrie 2013, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Casa Editorial-Poligrafică „Bons Offices”, 2015, Ediţia 2, pp. 137-143. ISBN 978-9975-61-872-4.
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Dublin Core
Identităţile Chişinăului
Ediţia 2, 2015
Conferința "Identităţile Chişinăului"
2, Chişinău, Moldova, 1-2 octombrie 2013

Din istoricul construcţiei Pensionului-orfelinat pentru copii de nobili din Chișinău (1900-1904). Documentar

CZU: 94(478-25):725.5"1900-1904"

Pag. 137-143

Danilov Maria12
1 Institutul de Istorie,
2 Muzeul Naţional de Arheologie şi Istorie a Moldovei
Disponibil în IBN: 31 ianuarie 2021


The idea to build the noble children orphanage in Chisinau didn’t belong to local noblemen. It was an imperial project. A special Law from 25 May, 1889 were approving creation of orphanages in each gubernia of Russian Empire. Collection of the National Archive (Noblemen Assembly Fund) keeps proofs of the construction of the orphanage that lasted for 2 years (1902-1904) and was designed for 70 children. The educational staff was approved in the autumn of 1904. Nicolae Koch was appointed as Director. The building of orphanage (architect Vladimir N. Tiganko) was one of the most beautiful in Chisinau at that time. Nowadays, the Academy of Arts is dislocated in this building (Alexei Mateevici str.).