Mărturii ieșene în Chișinăul de altădată: carte, eterie și cenzură (primele trei decenii ale veacului al XIX-lea)
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343 7
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-02-15 10:37
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similare conform CZU
94(478-25)"XVIII" (1)
History of Moldova. Republic of Moldova. (69)
SM ISO690:2012
DANILOV, Maria. Mărturii ieșene în Chișinăul de altădată: carte, eterie și cenzură (primele trei decenii ale veacului al XIX-lea). In: Identităţile Chişinăului, Ed. 2, 1-2 octombrie 2013, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Casa Editorial-Poligrafică „Bons Offices”, 2015, Ediţia 2, pp. 76-83. ISBN 978-9975-61-872-4.
EXPORT metadate:
Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Identităţile Chişinăului
Ediţia 2, 2015
Conferința "Identităţile Chişinăului"
2, Chişinău, Moldova, 1-2 octombrie 2013

Mărturii ieșene în Chișinăul de altădată: carte, eterie și cenzură (primele trei decenii ale veacului al XIX-lea)

CZU: 94(478-25)"XVIII"

Pag. 76-83

Danilov Maria12
1 Institutul de Istorie,
2 Muzeul Naţional de Arheologie şi Istorie a Moldovei
Disponibil în IBN: 30 ianuarie 2021


Materials under discussion are in the main documentary evidences concerned the history of a private library of the first half of the 19th century belonged to Dimitrie Govdelas’s (1780-1831), a lecturer at the Academia Domnească (Royal Academy) from Iași. The book collection of the Dimitrie Govdelas’s famous library that numbered 2 733 volumes in different languages: Greek, German, French, Latin, etc., was brought to Bessarabia and given in pawn by its owner (April 1, 1825) to a boyar Dimitrie Carastati in exchange for 335 Dutch gold coins. Official correspondence from the Chișinău National Archives (the Fund of the Bessarabian Marshal of the Nobility and the Fund of the Office of the Civil Governor of Bessarabia) fills in some unknown or little-known pages of the destiny of the Dimitrie Govdelas’s library. Our task is to clarify and to highlight the historical and cultural value of that imposing collection of books, that later was found in the library of the Chișinău Regional Gymnasium. There are several reasons for attaining these objects: – insufficient historical data on the collection of books from the libraries of Bessarabia of the 19th century; – lack of scientific information on the catalogue of the Dimitrie Govdelas’s library; – specificity of the restrictive system of the tsarist censorship concerned foreign books brought to Bessarabia.