Особенности сортов пшеницы мягкой озимой степного экотипа для выращивания в условиях Украины и Молдовы
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-09-14 11:07
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similare conform CZU
633.11:631.526.32 (7)
Cereals. Grain crops (690)
Agricultural operations (1248)
SM ISO690:2012
ЛЫФЕНКО, С., НАКОНЕЧНЫЙ, Н., НАРГАН, Т., ЕРИНЯК, Н.. Особенности сортов пшеницы мягкой озимой степного экотипа для выращивания в условиях Украины и Молдовы. In: Realizări științifice in ameliorare și tehnologii inovative la culturile cerealiere în contextul schimbărilor climaterice, 4-5 septembrie 2020, Chişinău. Chişinău: 2020, pp. 176-186.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Realizări științifice in ameliorare și tehnologii inovative la culturile cerealiere în contextul schimbărilor climaterice 2020
Conferința " Realizări științifice in ameliorare și tehnologii inovative la culturile cerealiere în contextul schimbărilor climaterice"
Chişinău, Moldova, 4-5 septembrie 2020

Особенности сортов пшеницы мягкой озимой степного экотипа для выращивания в условиях Украины и Молдовы

CZU: 633.11:631.526.32

Pag. 176-186

Лыфенко С., Наконечный Н., Нарган Т., Ериняк Н.
Селекционно-генетический институт - Национальный центр семеноведения и сортоизучения
Disponibil în IBN: 4 noiembrie 2020


In the laboratory of intensive wheat varieties breeding of Plant Breeding & Genetics Institute – National Center of Seeds and Cultivar Investigation (PBGI-NCSCI), a program has been carried out for 50 years to create high-intensity varieties of winter wheat. During this period, more than 100 varieties were created. Many of them are widely cultivated in the arid climate zones of a number of countries. The new varieties are distinguished by a high genetic yield potential (11 t/ha), complex resistance to extreme factors in environments of drought, high summer temperatures and wintering conditions. Varieties of expressed steppe ecotype have an optimal morphological structure, high adaptability (homeostatisity), including under the influence of extreme factors associated with climate change. Based on an analysis of the breeding results and special methodological studies, it was found that varieties in the steppe zone should be medium early and partially early ripe, frost-winter resistant, heat-resistant, with an optimal stem height 75-110 cm, depending on the type of intensity, have a strong root system, middle leaf index for the degree of leafiness. The main their property should be the optimal period of vernalization – 40-45 days and the middle photoperiodic sensitivity. Due to climate change towards warming, it is advisable to increase the photoperiodic sensitivity to ensure the stability of quenching to low temperatures and optimize the timing of the beginning of spring vegetation. In the steppe zone of southern Ukraine, it is advisable to grow grain of high technological qualities. For this, varieties strong and super strong are created here (W = 450-500 alveograph units).

winter wheat, variety, root system, genotype-environment interaction, adaptability, plasticity